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"To get their own bread they must overdose the king's lieges; and that's a bad sort of treason, Mr. Mawmsey undermines the constitution in a fatal way." Mr. It was Mr. Mawmsey's friendly jocoseness in questioning him which had set the tone of Lydgate's reply.

Unhappily, the baronet, who by some fatality never could see when he was winning the battle, thought proper in his wisdom to water the dryness of his sermon with a little jocoseness, on the subject of young men fancying themselves in love, and, when they were raw and green, absolutely wanting to be that most awful thing, which the wisest and strongest of men undertake in hesitation and after self-mortification and penance married!

'Bess, cried Samuel, with an affected jocoseness, 'you're called upon to apologise. Don't make a fool of yourself again. 'I don't see why he need be so snappish with me, replied his wife. 'I beg his pardon, if he wants me. But Sidney was laughing now, though not in a very natural way. He put an end to the incident, and led off into talk of quite a different kind.

It was like a hundred other weddings at which he had been; and, seeing the bride and bridegroom seated together as usual, and the pretty bridemaids tittering, as usual, and the gentle dullness lighted up with here and there a feeble jest, as usual, he could hardly realize that horrible things lay beneath the surface of all this snowy bride-cake, and flowers, and white veils, and weak jocoseness.

The rays from a neighbouring lamp struck through the drizzle under Charlson's umbrella, so as just to illumine his face against the shade behind, and show that his eye was turned up under the outer corner of its lid, whence it leered with impish jocoseness as he thrust his tongue into his cheek. 'Come, said Barnet gravely, 'we'll have no more of that.

He liked her at once and instinctively, because somehow she seemed to meet him on a manly plane of good-fellowship and yet she was so thoroughly and deliciously feminine. There was just a bit of a drawl in her voice, a suggestion of jocoseness, continual appreciation of the humor of life and living. And her laugh was an inspiration.

Jane, a real strapper!" and that as soon as he brings home his bride to Thornfield, she, the governess, must "trot forthwith" but that he shall make it his duty to look out for employment and an asylum for her indeed, that he has already heard of a charming situation in the depths of Ireland all with a brutal jocoseness which most women of spirit, unless grievously despairing of any other lover, would have resented, and any woman of sense would have seen through.

"Might have known that!" with an attempt at jocoseness. "But thought we would make sure. Your balcony, you have looked there?" "Yes." "Very well; lock your window leading to it. Only as a matter of precaution," he repeated hastily. "No need of our coming in, I fancy. You had retired?" "I was about to." "Quite right." A moment the party lingered.

Then Coventry, who was smarting with jealousy, set himself to cool all this down by a subtle cold sort of jocoseness, which, without being downright rude, operates on conversation of the higher kind like frost on expanding buds. It had its effect, and Grace chafed secretly, but could not interfere. It was done very cleverly.

"Have you seen Job Braden, Mr. Crewe?" he asked, with genial jocoseness. "They tell me that Job is still alive and kicking over in your parts." "Thank you, Senator," said Mr. Crewe, "that brings me to the very point I wish to emphasize. Everywhere in Leith I am met with the remark, 'Have you seen Job Braden? And I always answer, 'No, I haven't seen Mr. Braden, and I don't intend to see him."