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Updated: August 16, 2024

So they slink into the workshop as soon as it begins to grow dark, and they take out the key and hang it on the nail in the entry, in order to deceive Jeppe, and then they secretly make a fire in the stove, placing a screen in front of it, so that Jeppe shall not see the light from it when he makes his rounds past the workshop windows.

He was conscious of a monotonous din; that was Jeppe, admonishing him; but the words escaped him; his soul had already began its journey toward death. As the noise ceased he rose silently. "Well? What are you going out for?" asked Jeppe. "I'm going to the yard." He spoke like a sleepwalker. "Perhaps you want to take the knee-strap out with you?"

The neighbors would come into the twilight of the workshop; if Master Andres was not there, they would slip out again, or they would sit idly there until Jeppe said it was bed-time. Pelle had begun to occupy himself with carving once more; he got as close to the lamp as possible, listening to the conversation while he worked upon a button which was to be carved like a twenty-five-ore piece.

"You're making yourself ridiculous," sneered Jeppe; "you'll never be able to manage people like that!" And Madam scolded. But Master Andres whistled until he was out of hearing. Poor Pelle lay there, in delirium; his little head was full of fancies, more than it would hold. But now the reaction set in, and he lay there stuffing himself with all that was brought him.

They say the same things every Spring, but when they want to buy herrings they deal with the Swedes, who sell more cheaply than the Bornholmers. "Perhaps our fishermen wear leather boots?" inquires Jeppe. "No, they wear wooden shoes week- days and Sunday alike. Let the wooden-shoe makers deal with them I buy where the fish is cheapest!"

"Well, well," said Jeppe, "but do the Icelanders mean to go without boots?" "There's the factories," replied the captain. "The factories, the factories!" Jeppe laughed disdainfully, but with a touch of uncertainty. "You'll tell me next that they can make shoes by machinery cut out and peg and sew and fix the treads and all?

"Numbskull!" said Jeppe always, when the conversation touched upon Jacob; "for such a miserable louse suddenly to get a swollen head, to want to make big presents! And if it had been for his young woman even but for his wife! No, he paid the penalty to the very last day in spite of Andres." Yes, he certainly had to pay the penalty! Even here no one would sit next to him!

Jeppe retorted contemptuously, "Who's going to lend a poor mate's widow three hundred kroner? He might as well throw it into the sea right away." But Baker Jorgen gave Bjerregrav a great smack on the back. "You've given her the money, it's you has done it; nobody else would he such a silly sheep!" he said threateningly. "You let me be!" stammered Bjerregrav. "I've done nothing to you!

"Now then, what's the matter with you?" cried old Jorgen jollily. "Is mother turning the boys' heads?" Marie broke into a loud laugh. Jeppe came to fetch Pelle. "Now you'll go to the Town Hall and get a thrashing," he said, as they entered the workshop. Pelle turned an ashen gray. "What have you been doing now?" asked Master Andres, looking sadly at him.

Now was his opportunity; now, by a sudden resolve, he might bring this whole chapter to an end. "You don't go!" said Jeppe threateningly; "you have still a year of your apprenticeship before you! I shall give information to the police about you and you've learned what that means." But Pelle went. Afterward they could run to the police as often as they liked.

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