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Ye numbskull! One of them Yukon stoves. An' be quick about it." "What stuff?" "The stuff that lays outside the door Wentworth's stuff, of course! "In the cabin?" "Yes, in the cabin!" cried the factor impatiently. "Ye didn't think ye was to put it in the stove, did ye?" Hedin moved slowly away in search of the Company Indians, and Wentworth laughed.

"Why don't you answer when you're called to, heh?" continued the numbskull. "You're wanted up here! Come up directly." "Who wants me?" replied I, reddening with anger. "What's that to you? Do you mean to obey my order or not?"

"Don't you set up to marry Tom Mayberry, girl, if you don't wanter get a numbskull. Told me to eat a passel of raw green stuff for my liver, like I was a head of cattle. I'll die if I follow him. Everybody he doctors'll die. Snake bite is the only thing he knows how to cure, and snakes don't crawl until the last of the month. Don't marry him, I say, don't marry him!"

And then he turned to Don Quixote and told him to be on his way, and go home and bring up his children, if he had any; and he called him a numbskull, and other names, and a fool for believing that there were knights-errant in the world and Dulcineas and other such silly things.

The doctor grabbed his emergency grip and departed on the run for the Hat Ranch. Sam Singer met him half-way with the velocipede. O'Rourke returned to the Silver Dollar saloon where, since he was a vulgarian and a numbskull, he retailed his story to the loungers there assembled. "I'll never git over the sight o' that girl a-kissing that young feller" he concluded.

Others, however, had not been considerate of the fact that a "Jinx" was on his trail, and were given to making sarcastic remarks concerning him. And thus it was that Mister Numbskull spent his days, dodging his neighbors, sidestepping the highways and obscuring himself from the very individual he wanted so much to behold Opportunity.

We are no better than children without cares or worries. The men of the crew realized the risk, before they left the domes but it is not your fault!" "Aw, sit down you big-headed numbskull!" McCarthy's voice boomed out. "We don't blame you! We'll find some way to run this crate, and get there in one piece. You just made us go to work before we expected. Why!

To give, perhaps, an appearance of greater reality to his dread, the supposed simpleton let his basket fall on the ground, as if astonishment and fear had loosened his hold of it. "What are you doing, numbskull?" resumed Dagobert, whose countenance was impressed with deep sadness, and who seemed little disposed to laugh at the fellow's stupidity. "Oh, M. Dagobert! how you frighten me!

I was already on my feet when they started off, and was trotting down the aisle toward the front of the auditorium. "I'm her father," I shouted at the old ladies who tried to stop me from ascending the side stairs. By then, some numbskull appeared from the wings to make an announcement that there would be a slight delay, and ask the audience to please wait a few moments.

"What will Gourlay be going to make of him?" the Provost asked. "A doctor or a minister or wha-at?" "Deil a fear of that," said Brodie; "he'll take him into the business! It's a' that he's fit for. He's an infernal dunce, just his father owre again, and the Dominie thrashes him remorseless! I hear my own weans speaking o't. Ou, it seems he's just a perfect numbskull!"