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He watched her as she received part of the 'county' in the Ittlethwaites of Ittlethwaite Park, with a charming smile of welcome for Bruce Ittlethwaite, a lively bachelor of sixty, and for his eldest sister Arabella, some ten years younger, a lady whose portly form was attired in a wonderful apple-green satin, trimmed with priceless lace, the latter entirely lost as an article of value, among the misshapen folds of the green gown, which had been created, no doubt, by some local dressmaker, whose ideas were evidently more voluminous than artistic.

There is no other large place in the neighbourhood except Miss Vancourt's own Manor, and Ittlethwaite Park I doubt whether you could have employed the Ittlethwaites to much purpose " "Spare me the suggestion!" yawned Roxmouth "I should not have tried!"

'Miss Ittlethwaite, Miss Agnes Ittlethwaite, Miss Barbara Ittlethwaite, Miss Christina Ittlethwaite, Ittlethwaite Park. It makes my tongue all rough and funny to read their names! They've called, and I suppose I shall have to call back, but I don't want to. What's the good? I'm sure I never shall get on with the Ittlethwaites, we shall never, never agree! Do you know them, Spruce? Who are they?"

Walden he'll rather say 'is prayers in a pig-stye with a pig for the minister than in our church, since it's been all restored an' conskrated then, as I told you just now, Miss, the Ittlethwaites goes to Riversford where they gits opratick music with the 'Lord be merciful to us mis'able sinners' an' percessions with candles, so our church is mostly filled wi' the village folks, farmer bodies an' sich-like, there ain't no grand people what comes, though we don't miss 'em, for Passon 'e don't let us want for nothin' an' when there's a man out o' work, or a woman sick, or a child what's pulin' a bit, an' ricketty, he's alhis ready to 'elp, with all 'e 'as an' welcome, payin' doctor's fees often, an' takin' all the medicine bills on 'isself besides.

He felt, but what he felt is quite immaterial. And so far as his daughter was concerned, she, as Bainton expressed it, had 'gone a' visitin'. The Ittlethwaites, of Ittlethwaite Park, in all the glory of their Magnum Chartus forebears were present, as were the Mandeville-Porehams while to Julian Adderley was given the honour of being Walden's 'best man. He, as the music of the wedding voluntary poured from the organ, through the flower-scented air, wondered doubtfully whether poetic inspiration would ever assist him in such wise as to enable him to express in language the exquisite sweetness of Maryllia's face, as, standing beside the man whose tender and loyal love she was surer of than any other possession in this world she repeated in soft accents the vow: "to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey till death do us part!"

And though I give you permission to call on me at my own home, just to save you the trouble of telling Aunt Emily that her 'eccentric' niece was too 'peculiar' to admit you there, I reserve to myself the right at any moment to shut the door against you." She moved from him then, and seeing the Ittlethwaites of Ittlethwaite Park, went to speak to them.

Returning to Badsworth Hall they found no further news awaiting them than they had themselves been able to obtain. Sir Morton's fussy enquiries had brought no result Miss Tabitha had scoured the neighbourhood in her high dogcart, calling on the Ittlethwaites and Mandeville Porehams, all in vain. Nobody knew anything. Nobody had heard anything.

"That'll do, Spruce, that'll do!" cried Maryllia, putting her hands to her ears "No more Ittlethwaites, please, for the present! Sufficient for the day is the Magnum Chartus thereof! Who comes here?" and she read from another card, "'Mrs. Mordaunt Appleby. Also a smaller label which says, 'Mr. Mordaunt Appleby'! More county family pride or what?"