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"If my voice on the bridge is anything like the voice I develop in Recreation Hall," grimaced Dalzell, "it'll start a mutiny right then and there." "Then you don't expect sailors of the Navy to stand for the kind of voice that is being developed in you in Recreation Hall?" laughed Darrin. "Sailors are only human," grumbled Dalzell.

If you do that before Miss Reston, Teenie, I'll be tempted to do you an injury." Miss Teenie blew her nose pensively. "I doubt I've got a chill changing my underclothes in the middle of the day, but 'a little pride and a little pain, as my mother used to say when she screwed my hair with curl-papers.... I suppose it'll do if we stay an hour?"

His eyes filled with tears, which he quietly wiped away with the corner of his handkerchief. "Come, come, don't blubber, boy," said Mr. Holden, coarsely. Herbert was not weak enough to melt into tears at an unkind word. It roused his indignation, and he answered, shortly, "When you see me blubbering, it'll be time enough to speak, Mr. Holden."

You see the scheme of the place now... That hole only a flue. Now you see what that arch carries they didn't like it in the plans because they thought it might be mistaken for a church " Edwin was receptive. "Of course it's a very small affair, but it'll cost less per sitting than any other chapel in your circuit, and I fancy it'll look less like a box of bricks."

Good man! nothing can put him out. "Now for the finishing touch!" cries George; "bring the turf; Fred I'm ready!" The water of the burn is rushing violently through the narrow outlet in the "dike." A heavy stone is dropped into the gap, and turf is piled on. "More turf! more stones! quick, look alive! it'll burst everything there, that's it!"

Then grab her up in your arms. I tell you, Whit, it'll all come your way if you only keep your nerve. I'm your friend and so is Milly. We're going out to her house presently and Nan will be there." The Rube drew a long, deep breath and held out his hand. I sensed another stage in the evolution of Whit Hurtle.

It started playing 'The Quaint Old Bird. Ripping it was, till Wain came along." Wyatt doubled up with noiseless laughter. "You're a genius," he said. "I never saw such a man. Well, what's the game now? What's the idea?" "I think you'd better nip back along the wall and in through the window, and I'll go back to the dining-room. Then it'll be all right if Wain comes and looks into the dorm.

It'll soon be better." Crowther's own face relaxed, but he did not look satisfied. "I'm not happy about you, my son," he said. "I think you've missed a big opportunity." "You think wrong," said Piers, unmoved. "I couldn't possibly have stayed another hour. I was in a false position. So poor girl! was she. We buried the hatchet for the kiddie's sake, but it wasn't buried very deep.

"And the first thing we know, the League'll have put in such a big wedge that it'll be too late to get it out. If this amendment gets over, Mix'll have a show in the fall, and then the League'll run wild. Just as they said in those pamphlets that Mix published, and then squirmed out of. Isn't that so?" "Very likely. Very likely."

His uncle had never betrayed any particular emotion in the affairs of life; and it was dreadful to see them now, for they signified a terror that was unspeakable. "Send for Mr. Simmonds," he said. "I want to take the Communion." Mr. Simmonds was the curate. "Now?" asked Philip. "Soon, or else it'll be too late." Philip went to awake Mrs.