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"What d'ee intind to turn your hand to if you give up divin', Joe?" "If!" said Mrs Baldwin, with a peculiar intonation. "Well, when you give it up," said Rooney, with a bland smile. "I'm not rightly sure," replied Joe. "In the first place, I'll watch for the leadings of Providence, for without that, I cannot expect success.

Turning to Paul, he said: "Oi've heard a good dale about, this fortune-teller, an' Oi intind to visit her; she may be able to put us onto somethin' good" Paul laughed at the idea of her knowing anything about wrecks or sunken treasure; but the captain persisted in his determination to find her when they landed.

"Och! och! asthore, asthore! you're lyin' there an', oh, Ellish, avourneen, could you think that I I would spare money trash to bring you to glory wid the angels o' heaven! No, no, Father dear. It's good, an' kind, an' thoughtful of you to put it into my head; but I didn't intind to neglect or forget it. Oh, how will I live wantin' her, Father?

"Say no more; I'll go wid you; but how will you get in, Ned?" "Never you mind that; here, take a pull out of this flask before you go any further. Blood an' flummery! what a night; divil a my finger I can see before me. Here where's your hand? that's it; warm your heart, my boy." "You intind thin, Ned, to give Biddy the hard word about Flanagan?"

I know, Owen, it'll go to your heart to see it; but still, avourneen, you'd like, too, to see the ould faces an' the warm hearts of them that pitied us, an' helped us, as well as they could, whin we war broken down." "I would, Kathleen; but I'm not going merely to see thim an' the place. I intind, if I can, to take a bit of land somewhere near Tubber Derg.

"I'm beginning to suspict that he didn't intind to give back that money he borrered that is, if he should iver lay hands on the same." Jeff looked pityingly at his friend; but reading in the expression of his face that he was jesting, he made no response. Instead, he spoke impressively: "You never would have lost that money if you hadn't been in liquor."

"People may love their childhre as much as they plase, Kathleen, if they don't let their grah for them spoil the crathurs, by givin' them their own will, till they become headstrong an' overbearin'. Now, let my linen be as white as a bone before Monday, plase goodness; I hope, by that time, that Jack Dogherty will have my new clo'es made; for I intind to go as dacent as ever they seen me in my best days."

Anyhow, I intind to go in, so there's an end av it, and I'll thank ye, young gintleman, to point out the channel as soon as we open it." "But," I remonstrated, "I know nothing whatever of the place beyond what I saw of it in passing. Do you?" "Not a wan ov me; but what matther?" was his characteristic reply. "Simply this," said I. "The navigation is doubtless difficult, and the water shallow.

"That's not a satisfactory conclusion Barney. I, too, have been cogitating a good deal about these Indians, and it is my opinion that they have been on a war expedition, for I've noticed that several of them have been wounded; and, besides, I cannot fancy what else could take them so far from home." "True, Martin, true. I wonder what they intind to do with us.

"Think of the homes it has ruined," he was saying; "the young lives it has blighted; the prisons it is filling; the " "What about the snakes, Mickie?" came a voice from the audience. "Sure, you're right there. I don't intind to leave the snakes out. And say, Dave Groggan, did yer grandfather ever tell ye where the sarpents wint to whin Saint Patrick drove thim out of ould Ireland?"