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Throth I'll fry a bit o' the bacon for our dinner to-day, on the head o' that, although I didn't intind to touch it till Sunday. Ay, faix, an' a pair o' stockins, too, along wid the coat; an' somethin' else, that you didn't hear of yit." Ellish, in fact, was a perfect mistress of the science of wheedling; but as it appears instinctive in the sex, this is not to be wondered at.

Comes, boys, says he, turnin' to us, 'tie every sowl in the house, barrin' the poor sick procthor that we all feel for, bekaise you see, Misther Callaghan, in ordher to do the thing complate, we intind to have your own family spectawthers of the cure.

'This is all ye'll need to equip ye f'r th' perfect life, onless, he says, 'ye intind bein' a dintist, in which case, he says, 'we won't think much iv ye, but we have a good school where ye can larn that disgraceful thrade, he says.

Against such an appeal as this the gallantry of "His Majesty" was scarcely proof. He threw a tender glance at Katie, which, however, was not perceived, and then said: "Shure to glory, if it's afeared ye are, why that's a different matther, so it is. I didn't intind to move yez away this noight; but if yez are afeared, why there's no raison in loife why yez shouldn't go off now to the other room."

"Well, but what do you intind to do Phelim, avourn you profligate?" said the half-angry, half-pacified housekeeper, who, being the veteran, always led on the charge. "Why, I intind to marry one of you," said Phelim. "I say, Mrs. Doran, do you see thim ten fingers acrass be thim five crasses I'll do what I said, if nothing happens to put it aside."

"Ilwin, me lad, I don't think I've treated ye just as a priest and Christian should but I thought I was right. I know now that I wasn't. Ilwin, we can build that church and we will. Here are a thousand dollars as a start to show that I mean it. There'll be a collection for you in St. Patrick's next Sunday. After that I intind going about with ye. I think I know where we can get some more."

I wish I was dead sooner nor see you in this agony. I ever loved you! I ever an' always loved you, avourneen dheelish; but now I would give my heart's best blood, if it'ud save you. Here's Father Mulcahy come." "About the mon about the money Pether what do you intind Oh! my blood my blood's a-fire! Mother o'Heaven! Oh! this pain is is takin' me from all faix! Rise me up!"

You wor, avourneen -you wor, you wor!" "I intind, too, to begin an' make my sowl, a little," she continued; "we had so much to do, Pether, aroon, that, indeed, we hadn't time to think of it all along; but now, that everything else is settled, we ought to think about that, an' make the most of our time while we can."

I wint to the priest to-day, to get two masses said to turn your heart from that cursed money. I didn't intind to tell you, but I do, bekase it's your duty to pray now above all times, an' to back the priest as well as you can." "It's the best advice, father, you could get," said the son, as he helped the trembling old man to his seat.

You know they never thruv that had it; and maybe it's a short time your riches might stay wid you, or maybe it's a short time you might stay wid them: at any rate, God forgive you, and I hope he will, for making use of sich unsanctified words to your lawful clargy." * My soul to God and the Virgin. "Well, but what do you intind to do? -or, what do you think of getting for them?" inquired Phaddy.