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"I guess they wouldn't hesitate long if the conditions were reversed," Frank suggested, "still, I wouldn't like to be in with anything as brutal as that." "Come to think of it," Jimmie admitted, "I wouldn't, either." "I don't get the idea of these incriminating documents," Jack said, in a moment. "That is one thing I did not pay attention to in the talk with Captain Moore at the clubroom."

I ask it for the sake of your career, for the girl herself, and her father. I tell you that instead of incriminating old Jimmy, you may be the means of ultimately saving him. Go back to Emily Brunell now, get that letter from her by hook or crook, and bring it to me." The detective paused at length and waited for his answer. It was long in coming.

Had to write up this morning's 'battle. Couldn't work in my room, so I " "Sit down; and don't jump when I tell you what has happened. We're going to be pinched at midnight." "Why midnight?" "I don't know, unless that's the fashionable hour for military calls." "What's it all about?" "I guess they don't like us. Have you got anything incriminating about you?" "N-no!

I am obliged to ask your permission, for, without a search warrant I have no other legal right than that which you may give me." "Of course you may search Richard's room," replied his mother, quickly. "But you'll be wasting your time, for you'll find nothing incriminating in my boy's room." "Of course not, of course not," replied Hemingway, soothingly.

If only the key had been available, reflected this choice specimen of humanity, he would have had a look at the contents. Papers, Mr. Bullard had said more incriminating documents, no doubt! Mr. Bullard was a very nice man, he was, but he could not always have it his own way. Mr. Bullard ... A sound in, but not of, the storm, muttered in Marvel's ears. Peering ahead, he descried a small light.

As he spoke, the great jeweled eyes shone with excitement under the dull gold brows and he seemed not to see at all the incriminating ice and bottle. "Could you get into Mrs. Dabney's linen closet? We've got to have something." He shivered in a little wind that blew under the rose vine with a frosty gust.

But Kiyomori took care that a copy of the bonze Saiko's confession, extracted under torture and fully incriminating his Majesty, should come into the Imperial hands. *It is recorded that, on this occasion, Kiyomori, learning of his son's approach, attempted unsuccessfully to conceal under priestly robes the armour he had donned to go to the arrest of Go-Shirakawa.

What we want is tangible and incriminating evidence. The signatures of those cheques are " That was the last word that came to Durkin's ears, for at that moment a steward, with a tray of glasses, hurried into the pantry. His suspicious eye saw nothing beyond a busy electrician replacing a switchboard.

"He was always absorbed in his researches. He made a great discovery, and confided in Otto von Holzen, who thought that he could make a fortune out of it. But Von Holzen cheated and was caught. There was a great trial, and Von Holzen succeeded in incriminating my husband, who was innocent, instead of himself. The company, of course, failed, which meant ruin and dishonour.

Certainly the man made no very favourable impression by his actions. There seemed to be much that was forced about them, that was more incriminating than a stolid silence would have been. Between them Monsieur and Madame made out, however, to repeat to Kennedy their version of what had happened.