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I will take Mel and her mother far away from Middleville where no one ever heard of us." "Good! You can all touch happiness again.... And now, if you and Mrs. Iden will excuse me I will go."

She hurried after Clarence into the hall, gave one look, uttered one shriek of horror, and fainted. Iden. But thou wilt brave me in these saucy terms. Cade. Brave thee I ay, by the best blood that ever was broached, and beard thee too. "You see, my lord," said Mr.

Cade had striven in vain to retain them in arms; on their dispersion he formed a new force by throwing open the gaols, and carried off the booty he had won to Rochester. Here however his men quarrelled over the plunder; his force broke up, and Cade himself was slain by Iden, the Sheriff of Kent, as he fled into Sussex.

He seemed to have suddenly discovered Mel Iden. "Doctor Wallace did back me up," said Lane, with a smile. "But no one else did." "Don't be so sure of that. Harsh conditions require harsh measures. Dal said you killed the camel-walk dance in Middleville." "It surely was a disgusting sight," returned Lane, with a grimace. "Mel, I just saw red that night."

This spell had not visited him often of late, and now manifestly meant to make up for that forbearance. Lane put forth his intelligence, his courage, his spirit all in vain. The onslaught of gloom and anguish was irresistible. Then thought of Mel Iden sustained him held back this madness for the moment. Every hour he lived made her dearer, yet farther away.

It gradually dawned on Blair that some gossip was rife anent a midnight marriage between his friend Daren Lane and Mel Iden. Blair was deeply shocked. Then his emotions, never calm, grew poignant. He listened. What he heard spoken of Daren and Mel made his blood boil.

He would see the little soldier-worshipping Bessy Bell, and if by talking hours and hours, by telling the whole of his awful experience of war, he could take up some of the time so fraught with peril for her, he would welcome the ordeal of memory. And Mel Iden how thought of her seemed tinged with strange regret!

The visit had evidently revived the old man's affection, for the result was that Jacob Lane offered Daren the use of a cottage and several acres of land on Sycamore River, just out of town. Joshua Iden had seen to the overhauling of the cottage; and as soon as the weather got warm, Doctor Bronson had consented to Lane's removal to the country.

"Oh, you look so so," she faltered. "Stay, Daren and let me nurse you.... We have a little spare room, warm, cozy. I'll wait on you, Daren. Oh, it would mean so much to me now I am your wife." The look of her, the tones of her voice, made him weak. Then he thought of his cold, sordid lodgings, and he realized that one more moment here alone with Mel Iden would make him a coward in his own eyes.

His story was there to read, if any one had kind enough eyes to see. What would Helen think of him and Margaret Maynard and Dal and Mel Iden? Bitter curiosity seemed his strongest feeling concerning his fiancee. He would hold her as engaged to him until she informed him she was not. As for the others, thought of them quickened his interest, especially in Mel. What had happened to her.