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Updated: August 4, 2024

He turned from her coldly, sat down at the writing table, and began to write. Ideala was still putting on her gloves. Outside, the rain fell lightly now, and the clouds were clearing. The children were still playing at the open window of the house opposite.

"Just show me the lady and shut up, you foul-mouthed devil you." The door was flung open, and there stood the fat harridan, and towering over her was a great red-haired policeman, who seemed both relieved and abashed when he saw Ideala. "What is the meaning of this?" she said, rising, and drawing herself up indignantly. "Don't you see how ill this girl is?

"I would join," she said at last, "if I were quite sure Oh, Ideala! it is not a sort of Woman's Rights business, and all that, you are going in for, is it? A woman can do good in her own sphere only." Ideala laughed. "But 'her own sphere' is such a very indefinite phrase," she observed. "It is nonsense, really. A woman may do anything which she can do in a womanly way.

"On the contrary," Ideala rejoined, "I expect her success will be unique; only I don't know if it will be a literary success. Genius is versatile. But we shall see." Having finished her book, Beth collected her friends and read it aloud to them. "I don't know what to think of it," she said. "Advise me. Is it worth publishing, or had I better put it aside and try again?"

"I am very sorry for you," he answered, gravely and then, to his brother, who had returned "You can go on if you like. I am going back." "Oh, we can't go on without you," Ideala inter-posed; "and I would rather go back too."

"That is a 'pathetic fallacy. She is not speaking of the things as they were, but as they appeared to her excited fancy. She chronicles her own death, though " "So did Moses," said Ideala. "If you really want to justify 'The Passion of Delysle' I can help you.

He said that illegitimacy cannot justly be held to reflect on anybody's conduct, since, so he had always understood, illegitimacy was birth from natural causes." "And what happened?" Ideala slightly shrugged her shoulders. "The proposition was seriously discussed, and a parson and one or two other members of the board threatened to retire if he remained on it.

The words flashed through her mind, and the meaning of them was new to her. Her heart was wrung for the desolate girl, dying alone in sin and sorrow without a creature to care for her dying alone in the arms of a strange woman, with a policeman outside guarding her. Ideala cried in her heart with an exceeding bitter cry: "God do so to him, and more also." "Pray for me, lady."

"And you will drive everybody else away, and keep the house empty all the year round, in order to be able to receive her and Mr. Lorrimer whenever they choose to visit us," Claudia had declared when we discussed the subject. That was not quite what I intended; but I had made Ideala understand that nothing she could do would affect her intercourse with us.

Lorrimer took out his watch. "You ought to have some lunch first," he said. "If you will come now and have some, we can return and look at the books afterwards." Ideala acquiesced, fearing it was his own lunch time, and knowing it would detain him if she did not accompany him.

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