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His cavalry from Raymond seized Bolton by half-past nine in the morning, driving out the enemy's pickets and capturing several men. The night of the 15th Hovey was at Bolton; Carr and Osterhaus were about three miles south, but abreast, facing west; Smith was north of Raymond with Blair in his rear.

The firemen had insisted upon this. In the meantime Hovey with Flint and the rest would attack the cabins of Henshaw, McTee, and the mates. Here they depended chiefly upon the effect of the surprise. If it were possible, Henshaw also was to be taken alive and reserved for a long death like Campbell.

He had forgotten death. "You will live!" rumbled Sam Hall. "A man would be a fool to die when there's so much money in sight. Where's your hurt?" "I have no hurt," whispered Klopp hoarsely, "but I'm on fire inside. Water! Something to drink!" "Something to drink, but not water," responded Hovey. "Hey, Kamasura! Drink! Whisky!"

H. Hayward. 3d Ward Randall Crawford, Louis Heckman. 4th Ward C. S. Ransom, Isaac H. Marshall. 5th Ward G. H. Detmer, Jacob Hovey. 6th Ward L. C. Thayer, Jared H. Clark. 7th Ward Thos. Thompson, James R. Worswick. 8th Ward Charles Winslow, C. L. Russell. 9th Ward John H. Sargeant, E. H. Lewis. 10th Ward I. U. Masters, A. G. Hopkinson. 11th Ward A. McLane, Thomas Dixon. Mayor George B. Senter.

He gestured over his shoulder with his thumb. "How'd you happen to miss out with the Irishman, Jerry?" "Talk low or you may wake him," warned Hovey. "I lost him because the fool ain't sailed long enough to know White Henshaw. He has an idea that mutiny at night is like hittin' a man when he's down as if there was any other way of hittin' Henshaw an' gettin' away with it!"

One word of thanks from a suffering woman outweighs with me the howls of Christendom." Notwithstanding all that had passed, Miss Anthony wrote Mr. Phillips for money from the Hovey fund to publish the report of the convention containing these very resolutions, and he sent it accompanied with a cordial letter.

There yet remained more letters to examine. Judith found these were a correspondence between her mother and Thomas Hovey. The originals of both parties were carefully arranged, letter and answer, side by side; and they told the early history of the connection between the ill-assorted pair far more plainly than Judith wished to learn it.

Instantly Kamasura, who had evidently anticipated the order, came staggering into the room with a literal armful of bottles. Hovey himself brought a glass and placed it in the hand of Klopp and filled it to the brim. "Drink!" shouted Hovey, and sprang upon a chair so that all might see him. "Drink to Fritz Klopp!

The official censure of General Sherman having been thus spread upon the records of the War Department, and that department having made a tender of resignation in the presence of the enemy a cause for summary dismissal of inferior officers, the surprise of the army may be imagined when, on July 25th, Sherman was notified from Washington that Hovey and Osterhaus had been promoted to be major-generals, the first by brevet, the other to the full grade.

Oh-h, Hovey, we'll see you damned before we give up the captain!" The bos'n, choking with his fury, shook his clenched fist at them and disappeared into the cabin. "Now lie down," said McTee to the captain, "and we'll fix you up. Are you badly hurt?" "Enough to finish me," said Henshaw calmly, "but keep off! I'll have none of you! None of your tricks!"