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Updated: August 10, 2024

It jolted and rattled over the stones, but Sam said the air was doing 'im good. He kept 'is pluck up until they got close to the horsepittle, and then 'e got nervous. And 'e got more nervous when the cabman got down off 'is box and put his 'ed in at the winder and spoke to 'im. "'Ave you got any partikler fancy for the London Horsepittle?" he ses. "No," ses Sam. "Why?"

"He sets there hours at a time, like a hen squattin' on duck-eggs, lookin' up cross-eyed. I was through an insane horsepittle once, and they had patients there just like that. I'd just as soon have a bullhead snake in the room with me." "He's gettin' up his pome, that's all," Hiram explained. "I've seen lit'ry folks in my time. They act queer, but there ain't any harm in 'em."

"'No, thanky, miss, it was swabbed pretty stiddy to the horsepittle, and I reckon a trifle of tobaccer would do more good and be a sight more relishin', ef you'll excuse my mentionin' it. "Harry rushed off and got a great lump and a pipe, and Joe lay blissfully puffing, in a cloud of smoke, when we left him, promising to come again.

They stopped at last in a dark little road, in front of a brick wall, and then the cabman got down and opened a door and led his 'orse and cab into a yard. "Do you call this Guy's Horsepittle?" ses Sam. "Hullo!" ses the cabman. "Why, I thought I put you out o' my cab once." "I'll give you five minutes to drive me to the 'orsepittle," ses Sam. "Arter that I shall go for the police."

Ginger thought 'e was joking at fust, and when he found 'e wasn't he called 'im all the names he could think of, while Peter Russet stood by smiling and trying to think where 'e was and wot it was all about. "Pay 'im the five bob, Ginger, and 'ave done with it," ses pore Sam, at last. "I shall never get to the horsepittle at this rate."

"Damme if you didn't ring the bell with that shot!" cried the old showman in astonishment. "Well, it's just ditto and the same with me," said the Cap'n, rapping his knuckles on his breast. "Same horsepittle, same nuss, same thing generally only when I was sickest I told her I had property wuth about thutty thousand dollars." "So did I," announced Hiram.

"I'm sorry, mate," he ses, "but did you see me speak to that party just now?" "The one you flicked with your whip?" ses Ginger. "No; he was speaking to me," ses the cabman. "The last one, I mean." "Wot about it?" ses Peter. "He's the under-porter at the horsepittle," ses the cabman, spitting; "and he tells me that every bed is bung full, and two patients apiece in some of 'em."

Sam said something about putting 'is clothes on, but Peter Russet said the horsepittle would be more likely to take him in if he went in the blanket and counterpane, and at last Sam gave way. Ginger and Peter helped 'im downstairs, and the cabman laid hold o' one end o' the blanket as they got to the street-door, under the idea that he was helping, and very near gave Sam another chill.

Cap'n Sproul looked him up and down for many minutes and then tucked the smutty ash-stick under the stove. "Well, what insane horsepittle did you get out of by crawlin' through the keyhole?" he demanded. "Oh, I am not insane," remonstrated the thin man. "It is always easy for fools in this world to blat that insult when a man announces something that they don't understand.

"No, no, we will try to prevent that. But what did he do with you?" "Put me in a horsepittle," replied Jo, whispering, "till I was discharged, then giv me a little money four half-bulls, wot you may call half-crowns and ses 'Hook it! Nobody wants you here, he ses. 'You hook it. You go and tramp, he ses. 'You move on, he ses.

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