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They had some difficulty in fastening up the horse, until they pulled some hay from a hayrick, and spread it before him, for like Bevis he had to be bribed with cake, as it were, before he would be good.

Backhouse," began Milly, coming in with a bright flushed face, "just look here, what I've brought. Tiza found them just after dinner to-day. They were under the hayrick right away in the corner, and she wanted to make up, so she showed me where they were, so I brought them in, and there's two for Mr. Backhouse, and one for you, you know. And, please, won't you let Tiza come to tea with us?" Mrs.

Remember the scouts' motto, 'Be prepared!" That night as the scouts walked home, behind each wall and hayrick they saw spiked helmets. Young Van Vorst was extremely annoyed. "Next time you talk to my scouts," he declared, "you'll talk on 'Votes for Women. After what you said to-night every real estate agent who dares open a map will be arrested.

The fine gentleman was astonished. "What," says he, "you want to have the lamb killed? Why, you called it your brother when first I found you by the hayrick in the plain. You were always giving it caresses and sweet words. You loved it so much that I was sick of the sight of it, and now you give orders for its throat to be cut. Truly," says he, "the mind of woman is like the wind in summer."

"It's darkening," she faltered, a shyness overcoming her. "I smell thunder. Don't you think you better come up with me Jerry-Jo? Suppose they are not at home?" "They'll be back soon in that case, and as for a shower, that would hasten them and you would be under shelter. I can turn the canoe over me and be dry as a mouse in a hayrick.

"At the time he said it was the sun; and now he says, 'the hayrick we set on fire, when he knows perfectly well it was entirely his own doing. I should think he's rich enough to find the five shillings himself." "Oh, he's always short of money, and trying to borrow from somebody," answered Valentine.

A well-known Russian writer still living relates that when visiting a prison in the province of Nizhni-Novgorod he found among the inmates undergoing preliminary arrest two peasant women, who were accused of setting fire to a hayrick to revenge themselves on a landed proprietor, a crime for which the legal punishment was from four to eight months' imprisonment.

It was not far from the house; but the ground sank into a depression there, and the ridge of it behind shut out everything except just the roof of the tallest hayrick. As one sat on the sward behind the elm, with the back turned on the rick and nothing in front but the tall elms and the oaks in the other hedge, it was quite easy to fancy it the verge of the prairie with the backwoods close by.

The village elder she did indeed address as Stepan Vassilich, but the others were to her Matroshka, Mashutka, Egorka and so on. The unlucky individual whom she addressed with his Christian name and patronymic knew that a storm was impending. "Here, Egor Prokhorich! where were you all day yesterday?" Or "Simeon Vassilich, you smoked a pipe yesterday in the hayrick. Take care!"

"When those Englishmen bad cess to 'em! are at dinner I'll get the long cart out of the yard, and I'll put the white pony to it, and then it's easy to get the big tarpaulin that we have for the hayrick out of its place in the west barn.