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Levitt knows all my sister's people. Why on earth haven't we met before?" Mr. Waddington writhed, while between them they reeled off a long series of names, people and places, each a link joining up Major Markham and Mrs. Levitt. The Major was so excited about it that he went round the garden telling Thurston and Hawtrey and Corbett, so that presently all these gentlemen formed round Mrs.

There would naturally be unpleasantness over a serious shortage." Edmonds smiled. He had handled his man cleverly, and had now a reasonably secure hold upon him and the Range, but he was far from satisfied. If Hawtrey made a further loss he would in all probability become irretrievably involved. "Then," he pointed out, "there's every reason why you should try to get straight."

"He oughtn't to have left you with them," said Hawtrey severely. Sally laughed. "Well," she said, "I'd quit driving if I couldn't handle any team you or Haslem could put the harness on." In a general way, the hotels in the smaller prairie settlements offer one very little comfort or privacy.

He set Sally down upon the sidewalk, and when a man came out to take the team Hawtrey took her into the hotel. "It was the locomotive that did it," she explained. "They were most too scared for anything, but I hate to be beaten by a team. Ours know too much to try, but I got Haslem to drive me in. I dropped him at Norton's, who'll bring him on."

The one gift he had diffidently offered Agatha since her arrival in Canada had been almost coldly laid aside. In a few minutes Sally laid out supper, and as she waited upon him daintily or filled his cup Hawtrey thrust the misgivings he had felt further behind him. Sally, he thought with a feeling of satisfaction, could certainly cook.

Hawtrey was sitting near the stove on the arm of Sally's chair. Though he was not greatly surprised, Sproatly drew back a pace or two into the shadow, for it became evident that there were only two courses open to him. He could judiciously announce his presence by making the door rattle, and then go in and mention as casually as possible that Mrs. Hastings and Agatha were in the hotel.

If the market had gone with us I'd have fallen in with his views. As it hasn't, every man's wages count." Agatha was conscious of a little thrill of repugnance. Of late Gregory's ideas had frequently jarred on her. "Does that release you?" Hawtrey did not answer this. "I'll keep those men on if you want me to," he promised. Agatha winced at this.

"The trouble is that I've nothing to put in." "Then you're not empowered to lay out Wyllard's money. If that was the case it shouldn't be difficult to pile up a bigger margin than you're likely to do by farming." Hawtrey started, for the idea had already crept into his mind. "In a way, I am, but I'm not sure that I'm warranted in operating on the market with it."

Though it is not always set down to their credit, the brown-faced, hard-handed men as a rule live very abstemiously in that country, and, as it happened, Hawtrey, who certainly showed no sign of it, had already consumed rather more cider than anybody else. He made a little bow of submission, and Sally resumed their conversation where it had broken off.

Say" and he glanced towards the dancers "Dick Creighton's Sally seems quite stuck on Hawtrey by the way she's looking at him." Stukely assented. He was a somewhat primitive person, as was Sally Creighton, for that matter, and he did not suppose she would have been greatly offended had she overheard his observations. "Well," he said, "I've thought that, too. If she wants him she'll get him.