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The journey now becomes more interesting as the Cliff-Climbers' Delight is reached, and we go steadily up the long nights of stairs until visions of St. Peter begin to rise and we wonder which way the key will turn. Near the top is a handsome growth of snow-white mold hanging in long draperies behind the ladder or spread like on asparagus fern flattened against the rock.

Of splendid stature and physique, King Richard was unquestionably the finest man of his time. He was handsome, with a frank face, but with a fierce and passionate eye. He wore his moustache with a short beard and closely-cut whisker.

"The señorita's a looker," said Olsen. "I wonder which of us she fancies. She's been round this way before." "I'm not remarkably handsome and there are other people in the café," Kit replied. "Anyhow, I don't want to get a jealous señorita's knife in my back." "You're a blamed cautious fellow," Olsen rejoined in a meaning tone.

Had the man been as handsome as our cousin Walter, you would not perhaps have been so uncharitable in your fears at the pistol." "Nonsense, Madeline," said Ellinor, blushing, and turning away her face; -there was a moment's pause, which the younger sister broke. "We do not seem," said she, "to make much progress in the friendship of our singular neighbour.

Roland looked a moment at the handsome, resolute woman who had resumed her writing, and he wondered how this Denasia had sprung from the sweetly obedient little maid he had once manipulated to his will with a look or a word. However, he could not spare her.

When Porcupine had made some advancement in the portrait, Lord Forestking and his friend, Sir Hyde, came one day to inspect it, attended by the ever meddling Mr. Munkey. His Lordship seated himself in a chair opposite the picture, and expressed himself very much satisfied with the likeness, declaring, that he never before knew that he was so handsome a fellow.

"I am very happy to find you in such a mind," replied Boleslas, with a sarcasm which distorted his handsome face into a smile of atrocious hatred. The good-nature displayed by her cut him to the heart, and he continued, already less self-possessed: "It is indeed an explanation which I think I have the right to ask of you, and which I have come to claim."

Being well-bred, handsome, witty, modest, and agreeable; all which I had allowed to my character whether justly or no is not the purpose I say, all these would not do without the dross, which way now become more valuable than virtue itself. In short, the widow, they said, had no money.

"Poor Jack," smiled the Duchess, "he is such a dear, good, obedient child, and he doesn't know it. And so your name is Beverley, hum! Of the Beverleys of Ashleydown? Yet, no, that branch is extinct, I know. Pray what branch are you? Why, here comes Sir Mortimer Carnaby, heavens, how handsome he is! And you thrashed him, I think? Oh, I know all about it, sir, and I know why!"

Pease and Samuel, and their helpers, made every path straight and clean, raked the groves of all rubbish, and the two horse mowers and the roller were at work on the lawns, making them like velvet carpets. Nancy came out of Jessie Pease's cottage one day to see a handsome man in a gray suit, with gray spats, and gray hair, and even a gray silk shirt, walking slowly up the drive toward the Hall.