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Updated: August 18, 2024

"Fanfar," said Gudel, "when one accepts a mission like ours his life no longer belongs to himself. We must fly, and at once!" "But how?" "We will take the horses that belong to the chariot." "And do you forget me, father?" asked Caillette. "No I confide you to Bobichel." "Oh! Fanfar, do not leave me!" sobbed the young girl. "Dear child, there are great dangers to run!"

Fanfar and Gudel were far away. Poor Bobichel! The 29th of February, 1824, was a Sunday, and a fête day. At that time the Carnival was in full blast, and the streets were crowded with curious spectators. A carriage drew up before a fashionable restaurant in the Palais Royal. The carriage was driven by a coachman wearing a powdered wig, and the horses were magnificent.

My sister's name was Francine, but we called her Cinette, and this evening a girl was carried away by violence from the Veau Sauté." "And that Aubé has such a good face!" "Oh! he was not concerned in this villainy. The crime was committed by a man who has more than once crossed our path the Vicomte de Talizac!" "Oh! what a family that is!" cried Gudel.

Gudel looked utterly aghast. Before he could speak, Bobichel appeared. "I beg your pardon, sir," he said to Fanfar, "but knowing that the sick lady was alone, I went for some one." Caillette stepped forward. The girl said in a low voice to Fanfar: "Will you allow me to take care of your mother?" She then turned to Françoise, and kissed her as Cinette would have done.

"Fanfar," he said, "were I to die of shame and grief, I will obey you, for I should be doing a good act." "This girl must be saved! I dare not indulge in the hope that she is Cinette, and, moreover, I need all my courage. Gudel, your hand. Bobichel, I rely on you!" These friends in a cordial grasp of their hands, exchanged a solemn oath which bound them to the sacred cause of justice.

Although our two friends had made their escape for the time being, they were by no means in an enviable position, for it must be confessed that midnight on the roof of an unknown house is not very delightful. Iron Jaws and Fanfar had accomplished a miracle of strength and audacity, but what were they to do next? "I must say that I should like a few hours of rest," said Gudel.

The man took a louis from his pocket and dropped it on the ground. Robeccal put his foot upon it. During this brief colloquy the two men had not looked at each other. The stranger lounged away, indifferent to all appearance, and Robeccal picked up the gold and disappeared in a different direction. Meanwhile, Gudel was talking in a low voice to his apparently new acquaintances.

"To all who love Fanfar: "Repair at once to Havre. Go to the cottage of the fisherman Pierre. Wait! Hope!" Similar instructions had been sent to Arthur, but to the questions addressed to him by these four ladies, he could only say that he knew no more than they. "We must wait," he said. "But Gudel?" asked Caillette. "Where is he?"

"I hope he will get to the inn in safety," said Fanfar, anxiously. "I must get back on foot, it seems!" Gudel had been carried to his room, the innkeeper moaning over and over again, "How could this have happened?" La Roulante established herself by the sick bed. She was livid with fear. The attempt had been a failure, and Bobichel had guessed it!

Schwann appeared at the door at this moment. "Dinner is ready, good people," he said, soothingly. Robeccal said a few words in a whisper to the giantess, who shrugged her huge shoulders and made at once to the dining-room. Gudel held out his arms to his daughter. "Jump, child!" he said. And the girl obeyed. The father kissed her tenderly, for the two loved each other very much.

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