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"There you are," he said, with a tone of satisfaction. "My name is Chirpy Bird," said the little one, "but I'm a fish." "Nonsense," grumped Spotted Fish. "Whoever heard of a fish named Chirpy Bird?" "Whether you've heard of me or not, here I am," said Chirpy Bird, not knowing what else to say. "Totally illogical," interrupted Whisker Fish, who had just come near.

The boy stirred and laughed shamefacedly. "Well, you see, it ain't much, after all, except to me. YOU wouldn't see much in it. I started it a year ago. I was feelin' 'specially bad that day. Nothin' was right. For a while I grumped it out, just thinkin'; and then I picked up one of father's books and tried to read. And the first thing I see was this: I learned it afterwards, so I can say it now.

Father thought of throwing it at him, but simultaneously he thought of keeping it and consuming its contents. He gasped with the insult. He became angrier and angrier as he realized that the insult applied to Mother also. But before he could think of a smart, crushing, New-Yorkish reply the farmer grumped away into the house. The Applebys dragged themselves back to the highroad.

Let's beat it as fast as we can to a trolley and dope it out as we go. You see this here old woman is nuts on her son, and she's lousy with money and don't care how she spends it, so her baby boy is pleased. Now, I figger if we could come off with five thousand apiece, you'n I we'd be doin' a good night's work and no mistake. Whaddayou say?" "Sure thing," grumped Shorty unbelievingly.

Stumbling hastily to his feet he confronted Dr. Miles Elliot. "Wassamatter?" he demanded, in the thick tones of interrupted sleep. "What are you poking me in the ribs for?" "McBurney's point," observed the visitor agreeably. "Now, if you had appendicitis, you'd have yelped. You haven't got appendicitis." "Much obliged," grumped Mr. Ellis. "Couldn't you tell me that without a cane?"

As she spoke Nootka arose hastily and re-entered the hut, from out of which there issued almost immediately the sounds and the savoury odours of roasting flesh. Meanwhile Oolalik came up and gave vent to a polite grunt, or some such sound, which was the Eskimo method of expressing a friendly salutation. Mangivik and his wife grumped in reply. "You are soon back," said the former.

"You never hear me whining about my Troubles, and yet if you had to run a real-estate office Why, to-day I found Miss Bannigan was two days behind with her accounts, and I pinched my finger in my desk, and Lyte was in and just as unreasonable as ever." He was so vexed that after dinner, when it was time for a tactful escape to Tanis, he merely grumped to his wife, "Got to go out.

"How white poor little Dumpy looks! Wants some one to cheer her up, or she'll be dumped and frumped and grumped all in one. Now, darling, I'm going to put my arm round your waist. I am going to feel your little heart go pit-a-pat. You shall lean against me. Isn't that snug? Doesn't dear old Nancy count for something in your life?" "Of course you do, Nancy. I am fond of you.

"Of all the times to have to come to Antarctica," he grumped as the door of the rocket opened, "why did I have to get July?" The pilot, a young man in his early twenties, said smugly: "July is bad, but January isn't good just not so worse." Mike the Angel glowered. "Sonny, I was a cadet here when you were learning arithmetic. It hasn't changed since, summer or winter."

But she did not want love grown old, which came in and put on its slippers, and grumped: "Can't those kids keep quiet?" if it heard the voice of the children of love, and which hid itself behind a hedge of daily paper, or flung out again from home, in the ill-tempered senility of its second childhood.