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'Ye may say, in a mainner, 'at he did; for he was sair afflickit afore he wan up to be the King's richt han'; an' syne he keepit a hantle o' ill aff o' 's brithren. 'Sae, gran'mither, ither fowk nor Christ micht suffer for the sins o' their neebors? 'Ay, laddie, mony a ane has to do that. But no to mak atonement, ye ken. Naething but the sufferin' o' the spotless cud du that.

A body canna get their tongue rinnin' easy an' comfortable like, but it's 'Woman, silence! in a yoice as graund an' awfu' as 'The Lord said unto Moses' or else you wi' yer Englishy peepin' tongue, 'Gran'mither! as terrible shockit like as if a body were gaun intil the kirk on Sabbath wi' their stockin's doon aboot their ankles!" The little outburst seemed mightily to relieve the old lady.

'Thrivin', answered Robert, falling into his humour. 'Weel, that's verra weel. Duv ye min', Robert, hoo, whan ye was aboot the age o' aucht year aul', ye cam to me ance at my shop aboot something yer gran'mither, honest woman, wantit, an' I, by way o' takin' my fun o' ye, said to ye, "Robert, ye hae grown desperate; ye're a man clean; ye hae gotten the breeks on." An' says ye, "Ay, Mr.

He wanted to gar them come back again, ye ken. 'But he needna hae gane aboot it in sic a playactor-like gait. 'They had behaved verra ill till him. 'Laddie, tak ye care what ye say aboot Joseph, for he was a teep o' Christ. 'Hoo was that, gran'mither? 'They sellt him to the Ishmeleets for siller, as Judas did him. 'Did he beir the sins o' them 'at sellt him?

When the table had been cleared by Betty, they drew their chairs to the fire, and Robert had to read to his grandmother, while Shargar sat listening. He had not read long, however, before he looked up from his Bible and began the following conversation: 'Wasna it an ill trick o' Joseph, gran'mither, to put that cup, an' a siller ane tu, into the mou' o' Benjamin's seck? 'What for that, laddie?

"Na; I maun gang wi' ye, man," answered the laird, rising. "Grizzie's a heap taen up wi' yer gran'mither. She's been weirin' awa' this fortnicht back. She's no in pain, the Lord be praised! an' she'll never ken the straits her hoose is com till! Cosmo, I hae been a terrible cooard dreidin' day an' nicht yer hame-comin', no submittin' 'at ye sud see sic a broken man to the father o' ye!

Ye're like a suckin' bairn and a gran'mither baith in ane. But I'm thinkin', atween the twa, ye're maistly i' the right. And ye hae set me richt afore noo. Sae ye're nae gaun hame to the Bruces again?" "I didna say that," answered Annie; "I only said I had h'ard naething aboot it yet."