United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Both cottages were in perfect order, and a bountiful feast, comprising all the delicacies of the season, was set out in the dining-room of that over which Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore presided. But Gracie's illness interfered somewhat with the carrying out of their plans, dividing their emotions between pity and concern for the little sufferer, and joy over the return of the newly married pair.

Gracie's next question if her companion had but known it was a singular one: "Why have not people who are her friends warned her against him, and held her back from making such a false step, if she does it in ignorance?" Oh, Gracie Dennis! How are warnings sometimes received, even by carefully-trained girls, who have every reason to trust the love that would shield them?

"Then I choose to wait for my holiday till the others are here to share it with us; for don't you suppose Grandma Elsie will let them, papa?" "No doubt of it," he replied. "And what is your choice, Lulu?" "The same as Gracie's, papa," she answered in bright cheerful tones.

Jones' Brigade of Cavalry, from Southwest Virginia, came up on the 28th, while Bushrod Johnston, with his own Brigade of Tennessee Infantry and Gracie's Brigade of Alabamians, was near at hand and moving with all haste. The infantry and artillery promised from Virginia were more than one hundred miles away, and could not reach us in time to take part in the pending attack.

Marion Dennis not long after Gracie's return. It read thus. Oh, Flossy Shipley Roberts! blessed little scheming saint that you are! What did you do? How did you do it! Ah! I know more about it than those sentences would indicate. The dear Lord did it, working through you, His servant.

"Did you observe the flashing of a peculiarly set ring on her finger? I have reason to fear that it belongs to him and that she believes herself specially honored in being asked to wear it." Poor Gracie's cheeks were flaming now.

"There, it fits very nicely," as she put it on the child and gently smoothed it down over her shoulders. "But what is the matter, my darling?" for tears were trembling on the long silken lashes that swept Gracie's flushed cheeks. At the question they began to fall in streams, while the little bosom heaved with sobs.

Dinsmore said, "Max and Lulu are in disgrace. I know nothing about Gracie, but presume she is not feeling well enough to come down." Zoe darted an angry glance at him. Violet looked slightly relieved. She had not spoken at all of Gracie's wrongdoing, and did not want any one to know of it. "I may send the children their supper, grandpa?" she said inquiringly, with a pleading look.

She slipped it off her own wrist and on to Gracie's. "Then run up to the nursery and see after the children while Nurse is downstairs! And drink a cup of milk, dearie! Mind you do, for you've had nothing yet." "I shall love to wear your watch," murmured Gracie, beginning to be comforted. "I know you'll take care of it," Avery said, with a loving hand on the child's hair.

Never forget, my children, that though your earthly father may be far away and know nothing of your conduct, God's all-seeing eye is ever upon you." A half hour had passed very quickly and delightfully to the children, when at length, seeing Gracie's eyelids begin to droop, their father said it was time for him to carry her up to bed.