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You want your own wife, and want her so bad you're satisfied. Not that Dinky-Dunk and I are so goody-goody! We're just healthy and human, that's all, and we'd never do for fiction.

"And an ordinary chicken, with the pip thrown in, could pungle twice to my once." "Ain't got the stuff, hey?" said Parky. "Broke, I s'pose? Then maybe you'll git to work, you old galoot, and stop playin' parson and goody-goody games. You don't git nothing here without the chink. So perhaps you'll git to work at last." A red-nosed henchman of the gambler's put in a word.

For it could not help bringing up the unget-aroundable fact that, all gentle cant and philosophizing to the contrary notwithstanding, no people in the world ever did achieve their freedom by goody-goody talk and moral suasion: it being immutable law that all revolutions that will succeed must begin in blood, whatever may answer afterward. If history teaches anything, it teaches that.

But you must search the annals of antiquity to find anything so solid and unalterable as was our friendship. He was the most absolutely good boy I ever knew, but by no means goody-goody; he had high principles, noble ambitions, strong affections, the sweetest of tempers; his seriousness formed a healthy foil to my own more impetuous and hazardous character.

"Oh, the joke's on you!" cried his tormentors, laughing more heartily than ever, and dancing gayly around the Marionette. "And that is ?" "That we have made you stay out of school to come with us. Aren't you ashamed of being such a goody-goody, and of studying so hard? You never have a bit of enjoyment." "And what is it to you, if I do study?" "What does the teacher think of us, you mean?" "Why?"

But you have a lot of fun and good times, too, don't you?" "Yes, and there really isn't anything goody-goody about us, Marcia. You'd soon find that out if you were with us." "Well, I'm very glad that so many people have been led to know the truth about us," said Eleanor, with a smile.

I don't care much for that type of girl. She's priggish and goody-goody, isn't she?" Miss Walbert promptly took her cue from Leslie. While the babyish-looking freshman regarded Leslie with a perfectly innocent expression, there was lurking malice in her wide blue eyes. She had not liked the dignity Marjorie had shown when returning her property. It rankled in her petty soul.

"You told him where to go," Miss La Rue said, laughing. "I heard you, but I don't suppose he'll go he doesn't look like that kind." "Anyhow, I told him," laughed John; then producing a large bill, cried: "Drink up, people, they're on me and goody-goody cousin Fred."

"Why, yo doan't main that you chucked 'er?" "She wur too goody-goody for me," replied Tom. "I am noan baan to be a saint, I am going to enjoy mysen." "Weel, tha' won't be a saint if tha' has much to do with Polly Powell. She's noan a saint," and the lad laughed meaningly. "Still her feyther's got a bit of brass.

He was not goody-goody about it. No boy who did and said and thought the things that Jerry did could be accused of prudery or sentimentalism. But in his quieter moods I knew that he thought deeply of sacred things. But this conversation with Jerry had warned me that the time was approaching when the boy would want to think for himself.