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"Ruth told me last night we should know soon enough." "Did you ASK her?" said Roberta, with scorn. "Yes, I did!" said Peter, angrily. "If you could go to bed without caring whether Mother was worried or not, I couldn't. So there." "I don't think we ought to ask the servants things Mother doesn't tell us," said Roberta. "That's right, Miss Goody-goody," said Peter, "preach away."

"I should think it would be easy to invent one." "Well, not altogether easy, but I have a plan. You see, the boy is one of the goody-goody kind who has no bad habits. If I could catch him playing pool, or anything of that kind, there would be no trouble; but he is one of your model boys." "Like me," suggested John. "I never took you for a model boy.

Joyce laughingly followed the boys' example, and Eugenia gave a significant smile toward Betty, riding on alone in dignified silence. "Then it is all right," she exclaimed, loud enough for her to hear, "that is, if Miss Goody-goody doesn't feel it her duty to run and tell." Betty was too angry to make any answer. She rode on with her cheeks burning and her head held high. Mrs.

"I warned you that her goody-goody airs were a cloak to hidden wickedness," said Mable, tossing her head. "Blood will tell," drawled Lina Darrow, a very fat girl. "Mary Louise has bad blood in her veins and it's bound to crop out, sooner or later. I advise you girls to keep your trunks locked and to look after your jewelry." "Shame shame!" cried Dorothy Knerr, and the others echoed the reproach.

We don't want any of your goody-goody methods here, Blair!" Andy ignored the affront. "Are you coming, Dunk?" he repeated softly. Dunk raised his head and flashed a look at his roommate. Something in Dunk's better nature must have awakened. And yet he was all good nature, so it is difficult to speak of the "better" side. The trouble was that he was too good-natured.

For she put one hand below the fist, and with the other patted as she gave her little homily goody-goody little arguments, Sunday-school little arguments, mother-and-child little arguments. And very timidly she concluded: "You are not angry, Georgie, are you?" This splendid George of hers gave her a tremendous kiss.

She knew that he was watching her, that he had set his heart on the development, in a natural way, of her best traits. She also knew that if she faltered she must face his disappointment and her own contempt. She had a horror, however, of putting on what she called "goody-goody airs," and under the influence of this feeling acted much like her old self.

These characteristics led to disease and disgrace, to pauperism and crime. They were a disgustingly diseased family as a whole. There were many imbeciles and many insane. Those of "the Jukes" who tended to pauperism were rarely criminal, and those who were criminal were rarely paupers. The sick, the weak, and goody-goody ones were almost all paupers; the healthy, strong ones were criminals.

English Home Rulers, unable to see a yard in front of them, whose training and instincts are of the goody-goody, milk and water type, the lily-livered weaklings, who measure the courage of others by their own, may be excused their inability to conceive the situation.

No one, not even Washington himself, could live down the reputation of a goody-goody prig with which the officious Scotch divine smothered him. The cherry-tree story has had few rivals in publicity and has probably done more than anything else to implant an instinctive contempt of its hero in the hearts of four generations of readers.