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"I felt dreadfully when we received the telegram this morning. But now I hope Mrs. Curtis's brother will get well in a hurry. Perhaps they will be here almost as soon as this Philip. I'll wager you a pound of chocolates, Phil, that this goody-goody young man can't swim or row, or do anything like an ordinary person.

I never can be gay if you sit around so solemn and goody-goody;" and Kat rumpled up her hair and looked desperate. "The idea, what a speech!" exclaimed Kittie, looking as if her new resolutions had received a shock. "As if I couldn't be sensible without being goody-goody, whatever that is. Pick up your broom and don't worry, my dear. I'll never die of being too good."

She and Mildred Taylor were the guests of the club that afternoon. "What is the latest word from erring freshmen? Has any one heard?" asked Grace. Laura's reference to herself had set Grace to thinking of freshmen in general. "We've six at Ralston," groaned Julia Emerson. "The usual variety neither rich nor poor, brilliant nor dull, amiable nor perverse, goody-goody nor lawless.

Nelly's Teachers?" "Oh, that," said Jean, getting pink "that's a book I had when I was a child, and I still like it so much that I read it through every year." "Oh, Jean, you babe!" Pamela cried. "Can you actually still read goody-goody girls' stories?" "Yes," said Jean defiantly, "and enjoy them too." "And why not?" asked Lord Bidborough.

"No, we can't go really!" protested Dunk, holding back. "We just came out for a glass of soda," insisted Andy, "and we've got to get right back!" "Oh, yes! That's all right." "Soda!" "Listen to him!" "Regular little goody-goody boys!" "They were trying to sneak off by themselves and have a good time by their lonesomes!"

He ran the risk of being laughed at, but they didn't laugh, for something in his way of talking to them, even when verging on what they called "goody-goody," inspired them with respect. Before many weeks of this intercourse, Peter could not stroll east from his office without being greeted with yells of recognition. The elders, too, gave him "good-evening" pleasantly and smiled genially.

'Seems like a parson somehow. But he ain't a parson. 'Not he, said the other laconically. 'Knows better. Most of 'em as comes down 'ere stuffs all they have to say as full of goody-goody as an egg's full of meat. If he wur that sort you wouldn't catch me here.

One would have said that his wrath had fallen into some hole, like the Rhone; then, as though he were concluding aloud the things which he had been saying to himself in a whisper, he smote the table with his fist, and shouted: "And with his goody-goody air!" And, apostrophizing M. Leblanc: "Parbleu! You made game of me in the past! You are the cause of all my misfortunes!

Of course, in books by writers such as I have mentioned you will find many things spoken of which are wrong and ought not to be. They must write so if stories are to be written of life as we find it, and mere goody-goody books, which avoid all mention of such things, are unnatural, and do not give true pictures of life.

Of course, I am not guilty, Miss Starr. Professor Duke and Miss Adams can swear to that. They call me Goody-goody. They say I am an old-fashioned apostle, and they accuse me of wanting to burn them both at the stake! Now, sit down and let me explain." Prudence sat down. She was glad, so glad, that this sweet-faced, bright-eyed woman was an "ordinary Christian," and not a "priest and a Levite!"