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His poetry reflects these features, reflects the high moral and historic significance of the European landscape, while the poetry of Emerson, and of Thoreau, is born of the wildness and elusiveness of our more capricious and unkempt Nature. The walker has no axe to grind; he sniffs the air for new adventure; he loiters in old scenes, he gleans in old fields.

I met Matthew Arnold in New York and heard his lecture on Emerson. My books are, in a way, a record of my life that part of it that came to flower and fruit in my mind. You could reconstruct my days pretty well from those volumes. A writer who gleans his literary harvest in the fields and woods reaps mainly where he has sown himself.

Segregation, aloofness, spiritual imprisonment, which is another name for introspection, the looking out from bars of the caged house, all this discovers something through penetration. Walking with life is most natural, grazing its warm shoulder. There is little room for inquiry if one have the real feeling of life itself. Poetry is that which gleans most by keeping nearest to life.

One gleans a little here and a little there, and one carries it about like a basket of eggs." "Jock has a world, and it is quite entire," said Sir Tom, with his cordial laugh. "No breaking up into little bits there.

The road, that ever lies along like some one with ear to the ground listening for footsteps, to-day gleans no hint of coming guest, nothing of the house at its far end. My lute said, "Trample me in the dust." I looked at the dust by the roadside. There was a tiny flower among thorns. And I cried, "The world's hope is not dead!"

No great variety of receipts is given, as every family is sure to have one enthusiastic cake-maker who gleans from all sources; and this book aims to give fuller space to substantials than to sweets. Half the energy spent by many housekeepers upon cake would insure the perfect bread, which, nine times out of ten, is not found upon their tables, and success in which they count an impossibility.

Yust lemme take your coat off a minute and I gleans dot up like a nudel soup." "Say, mind your own business, won't you?" growled Offitt. "Here's your money, and when I want any of your guff I'll let you know." He hurried out, leaving the poor German amazed at the ill result of his effort to turn an honest penny and do a fellow-creature a service. "Vunny beebles!" he said to himself.

She suggested to them such pictorial ideas as one gleans in childhood about the end of the world, and this quite without any effort on their part, but just because she had clothed herself to their eyes in such ideas.

"But while, as I states, this yere trick of makin' war-med'cine which 'Doby an' Billy has, an' schedoolin' trouble for folks who comes projectin' 'round invadin' of the other's rights, mebby is a heap habit, I gleans from it the idee likewise that onder the surface they holds each other in esteem to a p'int which is romantic.

On these occasions I have observed his anxiety and dissatisfaction at being with difficulty able to make his way along the smooth surface; at these times he generally abandons the trees, gleans about the stables, around the house, mixing among the fowls, entering the barn, and examining the beams and rafters, and every place where he may pick up a subsistence."