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I must be kapin' up their sperits, the crathurs, that dunno what's before them at all at all; only thinks they're to be all gintlemin an' ladies. This, as he followed his master towards the cabins: 'Whisht here, Misther Robert, lowering his tone confidentially. You'd laugh if you heard what they think they're goin' to get. Coinin' would be nothin' to it.

"Whisht!" he exclaimed, with a laugh like an Eclipse, "bad luck to the fatther of it, but I forgot at home along wid the other eleven or stop here it is to the good still," pointing to his naked skin, "an' be my sowl, boys my lard an' gintlemen o' the jury, I mane it's the weavor of this linen that'll stand to us yet. "Gintlemin, I do maintain that there's a great dale to be said for Mat Purcel.

"Well," says the sperit, "although I was as sober as most men at laste as most gintlemin," says he; "an' though I was at different pariods a most extempory Christian, and most charitable and inhuman to the poor," says he; "for all that I'm not as asy where I am now," says he, "as I had a right to expect," says he. "An' more's the pity," says my father.

Didn't I hear a woman's step go up- stairs when my hand was on the latch? 'Ah! sure thin you're right, surr, I forgot her! 'Tis on'y Betsy White, surr. Ah! you know Betsy, surr. Come down, Betsy darlin', and say the gintlemin. Generally, Sharpeye turns to Mr. Superintendent, and says, as if the subjects of his remarks were wax-work: 'One of the worst, sir, this house is.

Perhaps it had never entered her dull mind before that she might have been aught but what she was; and that men might have given her honor. The neighbors too were awed for the moment and stood watching in silence, till when Michael turned the corner out of sight, Sal exclaimed: "Now that's the angel, shure! No gintlemin would iver uv tipped his 'at to the loikes of Sal. Saints presarve us!

He was here maybe three days outfittin' a noice spoken ol' gintlemin, wid a gray beard, an' onc't he showed me the locket be the powers, if it do be his, there's an openin' to it, an' a picter inside." The girl touched the spring, revealing the face within, but her eyes were blinded with tears. The landlady looked at her in alarm. "What is it, honey? What is it? Did you know him?"

'Why, thin, ye murtherin' villins, will ye follow me into the smoke itself? said Andy, whirling his bush in the air to disperse their squadrons. 'I thought ye wor satisfied wid most atin' us last week, an' blindin' the young gintlemin, an' lavin' lumps on their faces as big as hazel nuts. Betune yerselves an' the miss kitties, it's hard for a man to do a sthroke of work, wid huntin' ye.

'What does it show? 'Flannigan, three hundherd an' eighty-five; Hansen, forty-eight; Schwartz, twinty; O'Malley, sivinteen; Casey, ten; O'Day, eight; Larsen, five; O'Rourke, three; Mulcahy, two; Schmitt, two; Moloney, two; Riordon, two; O'Malley, two; Willie Boye, wan. 'Gintlemin, says Willie Boye, arisin' with a stern look in his eyes, 'th' rascal has bethrayed me.

She's in a room all roight at the Y.W.C.A. place, fer I seed her at the winder. She come with a foine gintlemin, but he's gahn now, an' she's loike to stay a spell. You'd best come at once.... All roight. Hurry up!" He hung up the telephone-receiver and hurried back to his post in front of the big entrance.

Wynn, where he stood by the taffrail. 'There's that poor young lady strivin' and strugglin' to regulate them big boxes, an' her good-for-nothin' father an' brother smokin' in the steerage, an' lavin' everything on her. Fine gintlemin, indeed! More like the Injins, that I'm tould lies in bed while their wives digs the praties!