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A voice broke in on Genevieve's answer: "Let's see your pass, will you?" Andrews turned round. A soldier with a round brown face and red cheeks stood beside him on the bridge. Andrews looked at him fixedly. A little zigzag scar above his left eye showed white on his heavily tanned skin. "Let's see your pass," the man said again; he had a high pitched, squeaky voice.

All the Eastern gentlemen we have met have said that the musical talents of the Californian young ladies were astonishing They all agree that Genevieve's musical genius is remarkable. Everybody declares that there is no one not among the Spaniards themselves who sings La Paloma as Gen does. Professor Spighetti instructed her in that. He was a wonderful teacher. I never saw such a method.

She had so much fire and energy; she taught with such a will; her black eyes were so keen both for her pupils and her subject. One never thought of the discipline in Mlle. Genevieve's room, but only of the study. I was young to be there, in the class where she put me; but my training had fitted me for it. With Mme. Jupon also I had an easy time.

Genevieve's color faded. The slim hand that held the rose trembled a very little. Her first caller! She decided that it would be best not to talk about George. Not one word about George! Her feelings were her secret and his. Marie ushered in two ladies.

I expected it with such absolute certainty, that I had actually made up my mind to confess every thing to M. de Chandore. You know him, Magloire. The old gentleman is the purest and brightest type of honor itself. I could intrust my secrets to him with as perfect safety as I formerly intrusted Genevieve's name to the night winds. "Alas! why did I hesitate? why did I delay?

'It was admirable just like Genevieve's tenderness and dexterity, said Albinia. 'I dare say she is doing everything for the poor little fellow. 'Yes, admirable, said Mr. Kendal; 'but you all behaved very creditably, ladies. 'Ay, said Albinia; 'not to scream is what a man thinks the climax of excellence in a woman. 'It is generally all that is required, said Mr. Kendal.

As soon as they were dressed, Esperance and Genevieve made quick work of their chocolate, and started out. It was very still. "It is the Sleeping Beauty's wood," said Esperance. They went towards the grove they saw on their right. At the entrance to it Esperance closed her parasol and stopped suddenly, pressing Genevieve's hand. "Some one has been here already."

And when Missy, in rebuttal, once pointed out the promenading Genevieve, Mrs. Merriam had only replied that Genevieve's mother ought to know better that Genevieve was a frivolous-minded girl, anyway. Missy, peering through the parlour lace curtains, made no answer; but she thought: "Bother! Everybody can go walking but me!" Then she thought: "She's laughing awful loud. She is frivolous-minded."

After these mendacious statements he would wend a gloomy way homeward to his Pine Street boarding-house, and there spend the evening pretending to read, and cursing the fate which had ever brought him within the light of Genevieve's beaux yeux. The fable of being the family friend was quite shattered. Faraday had capitulated.

The young man pleased her, and his friend, with the broken nose and the face like a good-natured bulldog, was obviously suitable for Katie. Etiquette is not rigid on New York ferry-boats. Without fuss or delay she proceeded to make their acquaintance to Katie's concern, for she could never get used to Genevieve's short way with strangers.