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I've found out one thing 'bout autymobble folks sense I've ben runnin' this hoe-tel, an' thet is thet a good many is ownin' machines thet oughter be payin' their bills instid o' buyin' gasoline." The Major took him aside. He did not tell the cautious landlord that Mr.

Then, once more, Hal turned on the gasoline, set the ignition, and watched. The engine ran as smoothly as ever. “There won’t be any more trouble, unless someone is turned loose here with files and a blast lamp,” pronounced Hal. Then he and his chum sought the deck, to report to the officer in charge. “You think we’re in running order, now?” asked that officer.

That town was on Sandport Bay, which was part of the Atlantic Ocean, and the bay was a good place to catch fish, lobsters, crabs and other things that live in salt water. Mr. Brown was in the boat business. That is he owned many boats, some that sailed, some that went by steam or gasoline, and some that had to be rowed with oars.

"We'll have to have a regular schedule gasoline, switch, ground-wire, pet-cocks primed oil cups up, and all that sort of thing," murmured Cora as they glided swiftly onward. "I'll print it on a card and hang it near the engine." "Thanks," whispered Walter, as he took the wheel. "Where to?" he asked. "The bath house," suggested Ed. "Our togs are there."

Andy declares that there has been no rain to the northwest and that he has done sixty miles already this morning, but can't get his carbureter to working properly, as usual. By this time several owners and a dozen critics have assembled, and the morning debate on gasoline versus motor spirit takes place. It ends a tie and both sides badly winded, when Pelty Amthorne drives in, very mad.

To our left the town roared and racketed as though it was afire. Nothing said between us till I grumbled out, "I wish I knew where Cummings was keeping Eddie Hughes." Barbara's voice beside me answered unexpectedly, "Here. In Santa Ysobel. Eddie was at Capehart's fifteen minutes before you got there; he came for Bill. A gasoline engine at the city hall had broken down."

There are hundreds of men walking those streets this moment with grease spots on their clothes. Give me a gasoline lamp, a dry-goods box, and a two-dollar bar of white castile soap, cut into little "'Where's your two dollars? snickered Bill Bassett into my discourse. There was no use arguing with that burglar. "'No, he goes on; 'you're both babes-in-the-wood.

It was surprising, too, the way the gasoline consumption of the Waring motor launch increased. The Honorable Milton even took occasion to mention the matter to Aunt Dolly in Phil's presence at dinner one night; he thought there must be something wrong with the engine, but there was a twinkle in his eye that betrayed him.

In the meanwhile, one of the boys took the small can and went the rounds and filled all the torches with gasoline, while another came close behind him and started them going. Tod finally left the rest to finish the job of filling the Skyrocket, and disappeared in the direction of the workshop.

"I don't know whether or not it has a bar at either end, but likely enough it has at both, though we might crowd through." "And how about the gasoline supply?" "Enough to get us in, at least. And, I say, here's a sort of plantation post-office marked. There's just a bare chance we could get a drum or so in there. I don't think we can, though." "What's she drawing now as she runs, Peterson?"