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"It was, without doubt, Embury's spirit," he said, as Aunt Abby finished; "but your imagination has exaggerated and elaborated the facts. For instance, I think the jam and the gasoline are added by your fancy, in order to fill out the full tale of your five senses." "That's what I thought," and Fibsy nodded his head. "Raspberry jam! Oh, gee!" he exploded in a burst of silly laughter.

Its source, however, was not an incandescent bulb, but the mantle of a gasoline lantern. "The village power-supply was shut off yesterday," Judith Darrow explained, pumping the lantern into renewed brightness. She glanced at him sideways. "Did you have dinner?" "As a matter of fact no. But please don't " "Bother? I couldn't if I wanted to. My larder is on its last legs.

If there has been," he added earnestly, "you can count on the Eagle Patrol to help you out." "Thanks, my boy!" exclaimed the old man, who was bending over his gasoline tank. "Hullo!" he shouted suddenly. "I wasn't crazy! This boat was took out last night. See here!" He held up the gasoline measuring stick which he had grabbed up and plunged into the tank. The instrument was almost dry.

The physical condition of judge or jury, and above all, their types of mind, are all-controlling. No two men have the same imagination: some are harsh and cruel; others kind and sympathetic; one can weigh wheat and corn and butter and sugar; one can measure water and molasses and gasoline. When one measures or weighs, one can speak with exactness regarding the thing involved.

He came in a large car, burning gasoline fast. "I'm Graves, from the garage," he introduced himself, shutting off power and leaping out. "Jove, what a smash this is!" Until two doctors and several men arrived Graves devoted himself to helping make the injured victims as comfortable as possible. When the doctors and helpers appeared on the scene Graves soon called Jack Benson aside.

They eyed the ruins of the gasoline engine. "Holy cow," Johnny exclaimed, "that stuff blew the engine right apart." He gazed up at the holes in the pumphouse roof. "Blew the cylinders and head right out the roof. Holy cow!" Barney was pawing at the pump and electric motor. "Didn't seem to hurt the pump none.

Peterby Paul saw them start on over the now badly rutted road. Helen drove the smaller car with Ruth sitting beside her. Henri Marchand took the wheel of the touring car, and the run to Boston was resumed. "But we must not over-run Tom," said Ruth to her chum. "No knowing what by-path he might have tried in search of the elusive gasoline."

He had ordered the tanks filled with gasoline and had tipped one of the garage men liberally to see that this was properly done. Afterward Captain Tom declared he would never trust a garage workman again. "The only way to get a thing done well is to do it yourself and a tip never bought any special service yet," declared the angry Tom. "It is merely a form of highway robbery."

In spite of the clutching hand of the wind and the quavering of the ship under Ned's inexpert guidance, Tom managed to reach his goal. Removing the cap with no little difficulty, he dumped the precious drops of gasoline into the tank. In a few moments he got back to the cabin. As he closed the door the laboring engine once more resumed its full-throated roar.

This particular visit to New Haven is chiefly memorable for the exceeding good manners of a boy of ten, who watched the machine next morning as it was prepared for the day's ride, offered to act as guide to the place where gasoline was kept, and, with the grace of a Chesterfield, made good my delinquent purse by paying the bill. It was all charmingly and not precociously done.