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Updated: August 27, 2024

Even then they stuck fast, as often as not, if the load were heavy, though Bar Nothing drivers gaged their loads with that hollow in mind. If they could pull through there without mishap, they might feel sure of having no trouble elsewhere. Robert Grant Burns had come into the hollow unsuspectingly.

When Miss Bell, the matron of the home, came to receive Lovey Mary's confession of repentance, she found her at an up-stairs window making hideous faces and kicking the furniture. The depth of her repentance could always be gaged by the violence of her conduct. Miss Bell looked at her as she would have looked at one of the hieroglyphs on the Obelisk.

Few observers, however, even in the Tsardom, gaged the strength or foresaw the effects of the anarchist propaganda which was being carried on suasively and perseveringly, oftentimes unwittingly, in the nursery, the school, the church, the university, and with eminent success in the army and the navy.

"Why, if you do, Jack?" said Mary, with some wonder. And the degree of intimate equality in the relations of these young people may be gaged by the fact that he appeared to receive her rejoinder as conclusive. "Well, he's interesting, of course, and if one wants to understand modern decadence in an all-round way " "I want to understand everything," said Mary.

"He's done 'gaged hisse'f," she said, "ter cut an' haul wood fur Kunnel Martin ober on Little Mount'n fur de whole ob nex' week. It's fourteen or thirteen mile' from h'yar, an' ef he'd started ter-morrer mawnm', he'd los' a'mos' a whole day. 'Sides dat, I done tole him dat ef he git dar ter-night he'd have his supper frowed in. Wot you all want wid him? Gwine to pay him fur preachin'?"

An' d'you spec' he gwyne to let 'em off 'dout somebody ast him to do it? No indeedy!" "Do you reckon he saw, us, Uncle Dan'l? "De law sakes, Chile, didn't I see him a lookin' at us?". "Did you feel scared, Uncle Dan'l?" "No sah! When a man is 'gaged in prah, he ain't fraid o' nuffin dey can't nuffin tetch him." "Well what did you run for?"

"She's 'gaged already," said the other little sister. "She's 'gaged to Willy Prentiss. And she's got a 'gagement wing; only, she turns the stone round inside, so's to make people b'lieve it's a plain gold wing and she's mallied already. Isn't that cheating? It's just as bad as telling a weal story."

The result of our interview was that he invited me to come and look at a small but ancient chateau in the neighborhood, which he had the happiness not the greatest in the world, he intimated to inhabit, and at which I en- gaged to present myself after I should have spent an hour at the Pont du Gard. For the moment, when we separated, I gave all my attention to that great structure.

And Nelly's 'gaged, too, just as much as I am, only she hasn't got any wing, because Harry Sin " "Now, Lotty!" screamed Nelly, flinging herself upon her, "you mustn't tell the name." "So your name is Lotty, is it?" said Eyebright, who had abandoned Genevieve to the embraces of Jenny, and was digging in the sand with the rest. "No, it isn't.

He was declaring his passionate devotion, by wild tense springs at Phelan's face, seeking in vain to overcome the cruel limitation of a physiognomy that made kissing well-nigh impossible. Phelan picked up his small bundle and started down the track with the easy, regular swing of one who has long since gaged the distance of railroad ties.

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