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Tightly compressing her lips she sat silent in the chair, while the delighted reporters scribbled furious messages to their city editors that Miss Althea Beekman, one of the Four Hundred, was defying Judge Babson, and to rush up a camera man right off in a taxi, and to look her up in the morgue for a front-page story. O'Brien glanced uneasily at Babson.

But what most indicated that she was a real devotee was the fact that, after glancing at the front-page headlines, the society news, and the joke column in her morning paper, she would resolutely turn to "The Real Estate Field." On Sundays she often led Mr. Schwirtz for a walk among the new suburban developments.... For always, no matter what she did at the office, no matter how much Mr.

She said that, if we printed it, the man would instantly break barriers, seek out the girl, and they would go away together. A front-page story, and exclusive." "So it was a woman who held the key!" exclaimed Banneker. Edmonds turned on him. "What does that mean? Do you know anything of the story?" "Not all that you've told me. I know the people." "Then why did you let me go on?"

"You have kept it quiet enough," said the Press Agent with a trace of resentment in his voice. "It sounds to me as if it ought to be good for a front-page column in every New York paper." "As I told you, there are reasons why I can't exploit it," answered the Proprietor.

He went on to say that when the editors found out that they were wrong about the hoax, they did a complete about-face, and were very much impressed by the story. This enthusiasm spread, and since the Air Force so quickly denied ownership of the objects, all of the facts built up into a story so unique that papers all over the world gave it front-page space.

He looked curiously at Grandma and then showed her the front-page picture of a man, clean-shaven, with an oddly shaped scar high up on his forehead. "Did you ever see that man, Mother?" he asked. "Of course I did," said Grandma excitedly. "Why, it's the man I met on the train. Who is he? What is his name? Now, we'll know where to send "

"You know we went to Lady Franklin bay after papers." "And they think the mountaineers stole this package?" asked Oliver. "Tell us what it was that was taken first!" insisted Frank. "I'm beginning to see a front-page story in this, right now!" "The package stolen," Ned went on, with a smile, "was more precious than any bundle of papers could be!

"I never read the financial news, except the quotations of my own little savings, and I've never heard of old Sampler," said Mr. Prohack. "Considering he was a front-page item for four days!" Charlie exclaimed, raising his voice, and then dropping it again. And he related in a few biting phrases the recent history of the R.R. "I wouldn't have minded so much," he went on.

In the papers the next morning "Carter's Tip" was the front-page feature. Even those who never in the racing of horses felt any concern could not help but take in the outcome of this one a curious interest. The audacity of the prophecy, the very absurdity of it, presupposing, as it did, occult power, was in itself amusing.

Vane, and catching Julia about the waist, she began to waltz upon the pleasant meadow grass where they had just had their high tea. "Come on, everybody! We won't be at Fernand's until nearly night, then dinner, and then Larry's!" "Mind now," growled one of the somewhat unwilling escort, "you girls keep your veils down. Nix on the front-page story to- morrow!" "Oh, we'll behave!" Mrs.