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"You see, you always been the private fam'ly yourself, Miss Claire, so it'll come kinder strange to you first-off, to look at things the other way. But it won't be so bad after you oncet get used to it. There's one thing it's good to remember.

"Well, now, first-off, last year, before I went away for my health " Tip grinned in ghastly fashion 'ye hired me to do a certain job for ye. Right, so far, ain't I?" "Possibly," assented Fred, coldly. "Ye hired me to get hold of keys that could be used on one o' the High School locker rooms," Tip went on, cunningly.

An' I didn't know there was comp'ny first-off, coz Shaw he didn't tell us, an' I guess I talked kinder loud in the hall, an' my mother she heard me, an' she wasn't cross or anythin', she just called to me to come along in, an' see the comp'ny. An' I said, 'No, I won't! Not less Miss Lang comes too. An' my mother, she said, 'Miss Lang, come too. An' Miss Lang, she didn't wanter, but she hadter.

"Every Scout in the patrol's got swimming and diving honors." "Good!" broke in Mr. Fulton. "Dive me up that motor and I'll get you a special honor as a substitute submarine." "We've worked down from the point, scraping bottom for twenty feet out that's about as far as they could heave it, we figured. We've just got to the place where I'd have dived first-off if I had only one chance at it.

"Oh, there may be a few of 'em run, but there's them kind in every regiment, 'specially when they first goes under fire," said the other in a tolerant way. "Of course it might happen that the hull kit-and-boodle might start and run, if some big fighting came first-off, and then again they might stay and fight like fun. But you can't bet on nothing.

"That's what I says to him first-off 'Well, gol darn yer, what happened to yer? and before he answers me he says quick, 'How's Susan? It ain't no use settin' on bad news that's bound to come out so I give it to him straight that you and Low was married at Humboldt. And he took it very quiet, whitened up a bit, and says no words for a spell, walkin' off a few steps.

But first-off we'll hunt up a feed barn so Ace of Spades can load up on oats an' hay while we're havin' our party." An hour later the Texan deposited a quart bottle, a rack of chips, and a deck of cards on a little deal table in the dingy back room of a saloon.

"To think of your marrying Patty, the little sister!" "Don't go too fast, John," said Warrington with less enthusiasm. "I haven't said a word to Patty yet; and if she's a sensible young woman, she'll give me my conge first-off." "By George, women are strange creatures. It's the truth, Dick; you can't tell which way they'll go. But Patty's no fool." John hadn't felt so good in many hours.

He thinks you nursed me till I was able to walk." Martha considered. "Well, ain't that the truth?" she asked blandly. "I lived out from the time I was twelve years old. That was in Mrs. Granville's mother's house. When I was sixteen I went to Mrs. Granville's. I was kitchen-maid there first-off, an' gradjelly she promoted me till I was first housemaid. I never left her till I got married.

Our light didn't pick up a soul around there at any time. What do you suppose I did, Mr. Reade, as soon as the explosion sounded?" "I saw you turn about and use your search light a lot," Reade answered. "Did you notice, sir, that I turned the light right up at the sky, first-off?" "I believe I did notice that," Tom assented.