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He knew that to reach such an active animal was not easy. On the ground he could get away too fast, in the branches he could get away too far. A well-aimed gunshot could alone stop him as he ran or climbed, but Torres possessed no firearm. His sword-knife and hoe were useless unless he could get near enough to hit him.

I never want to see him again." "Nor I." Both reloaded with all haste having learned years before that it is foolish to remain in the wilds with an empty firearm. Then they waited, to see if the wolf would return. "Hark!" cried Sam. "Did you hear that shot, Tom?" "I did. I think it came from that direction." And Tom pointed with his hand. "I think so myself. It must be Dick or Mr. Barrow, firing."

"Thanks awfully, Excellency," said Godfrey. "I'm awfully glad you're pleased." There are besides the sergeant three constables in our police barrack. They are armed as a rule with short round sticks. On very important occasions they carry an inferior kind of firearm called a carbine. There were, I guessed about three hundred men in the church, and they were armed with modern rifles.

The external appearance of the wound, he said, did not support the hypothesis of its being self-inflicted, inasmuch as there were no signs of the firearm having been pressed against the eye, or even put very close to it; at the same time it was not physically impossible that the weapon should have been discharged by the deceased with his own hand, at some small distance from the eye.

He then came back, and, sitting down at his table, pulled out the middle drawer. Taking from it a revolver, he laid it down on his papers in full view. The barrel of the firearm glittered, giving out gleams of light. Renardet gazed at it for some time with the uneasy glance of a drunken man. Then he rose and began to pace up and down the room.

Nevertheless, she gave a little gasp of fright as the man waved his big revolver menacingly and came close to the car. She wished frantically that he would not point that firearm at her. Suppose it should go off! "Come on, hand over what you got," the robber demanded in a gruff threatening voice. "The quicker you move, the better it will be for you."

'Advance, and give the countersign, said the sentinel. 'Don't be a donkey! returned Hazel, tossing back her long brown hair impatiently. Guy levelled his firearm. It is exasperating when a sister can't enter into the spirit of the thing better than that.

Men were no longer simply talking or laughing as they so cheerfully labored in transferring some of the contraband from the sloop to the deck of the speedboat their voices were raised to shouts in which surprise, even the element of near-panic, could be detected. Then came a flash, succeeded by a sharp report, undoubtedly standing for the discharge of some species of firearm!

Now that no firearm was in sight, he was master of himself again; and seeing the cause of his undignified alarm leaning against the table, he stepped toward him threateningly. "If you try that again, young feller, I'll chip you on the jaw, and give you a long, dreamy nap." He thrust a short, square fist under Willie's nose.

Reed, after the custom of his kind, looked the sergeant up and down with a frank stare. "'Pears to be a good man," he said, "hefty in build an' quick in the eye. Glad to know you, Mr. Whitley. You an' me may take part in a shootin' bee together an' this old long-barreled firearm uv mine kin give a good account uv herself."