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"Oh, William, say anything, reproach, chide, despise me, for mine is all the fault; say anything but that word 'part. I have chosen you, I have sought you out, I have wooed you, if you will; be it so. I cling to you, you are my all, all that saves me from from myself," she added falteringly, and in a hollow voice. "Your love you know not what it is to me! I scarcely knew it myself before.

I thank you for your kindness; I will obey you. May you be happy; and yet no, ah! no happy you must be! Even he, sooner or later, must see you with my eyes." "I know," replied Florence, falteringly, "that you have wisely and generously mastered a past illusion. Mr. Ferrers allowed me to see the letter you wrote to Er -to Mr.

It was the Liver Pills which had eventually introduced into her brain the idea she falteringly embodied for me. The husband of the quaint creature had invented the pills, even as Monsieur Charretier had invented his abomination. Because of the pills he had been made a Knight; at least, Lady Kilmarny didn't know any other reason.

I have not hurt you?" he said falteringly. "My good fellow, no," said I; "and now let us throw aside gun and bludgeon, and fight it out like Englishmen, or else let us sit down and talk it over like friends." The Will o' the Wisp scratched its head and laughed. "Well, you're a queer one!" quoth it. And the poacher dropped the gun and sat down.

His glance never shifted from the choir, where the priests slowly entered and took their places, the aged and feeble bishop going falteringly to his throne. Alixe's face was pale and sorrowful, and yet it had a dignity and self-reliance that gave it a kind of grandeur. A buzz passed through the building, yet I noted, too, with gladness that there were tears on many faces.

One morning, a few days after, the servant announced a strange visitor, who would not give her name. On being ushered in, the timid stranger, who showed a plain but pleasant face, knelt at her feet and said falteringly, "I am Jenny Lind, madame I am come to ask your blessing."

He hoped with all his might that he would yet live. In the early morning Willis was awakened by his uncle's hand being placed on his. The injured man was looking up into his face. He closed his eyes again and was silent a long while. When he opened them again he spoke falteringly: "I'm very sorry, son," he began. "I've been wrong, so wrong all along the way. I've never been square.

I should feel miserable indeed if Simmons, whom my mother always considered very clever, did not assure me that there was no ground for alarm, that these symptoms were only nervous. Cheer up, Helen; sweet love, cheer up!" Helen raised her face and strove to smile; but the tears stood in her eyes. "It would be hard to die now, Percival!" she said falteringly. "To die oh, Helen!

Under the fear of being washed out, the weaker ones would not pass. The Solar Guard could not afford to have cadets and later Solar Guard officers who could not function under pressure. She began handing out the tubes and, one by one, the green-clad candidates stepped to the front of the room to receive them. "Excuse me, Ma'am," said one cadet falteringly.

Darley were on hand, to immortalize the picture they made, scouring the premises after those disobliging burglars, especially Keturah, in the green wrapper, with her hair rolled all up in a huge knob on top of her head, to keep it out of the way, and her pistol held out at arm's-length, pointed falteringly, directly at the stars.