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The other wore a dress all of sheer white embroideries, with knots of brocaded lilac ribbon, festival of intimation, but her face was thin, wan, worn, tortured out of all semblance of calm or cheer. He came falteringly toward them, and stood for a moment uncertain.

But the pram the bodies were found in, that's at Madame Tussaud's at least so they claim, I can't say. Now here's something just as curious, and not near so dreadful. See that man's jacket there?" "Yes," said Daisy falteringly. She was beginning to feel oppressed, frightened. She no longer wondered that the Indian gentleman had been taken queer.

In the obscurity of the room his deep-set eyes seemed larger, and shone with the tears he could not repress. "Monsieur Julien," said he, falteringly, "I can not find words to thank you. I am like an idiot. And to think that only a little while ago I suspected you of being tired of me, and regretting your benefits toward me! What an animal I am! I measure others by myself. Well! can you forgive me?

A dirty faced man in a greasy old suit and a spotted handkerchief knotted about his throat came slouching along the pavement, keeping close to the wall. On catching sight of Desmond's face by the light of the lamp, he stopped irresolutely and then advanced slowly towards him. "Excuse me, sir!" he said falteringly.

But now it was over him again, and grew in intensity as he questioned the child. 'Have you ever tried to find out who Gretchen is? he asked at last. 'No, she replied, 'but I guess she is his wife. 'Yes, Frank said, falteringly, 'his wife; and where do you think she lived? 'Oh, I know that. In Wiesbaden.

Falteringly, Miss Haines explained. Then she cried. The child, who had regarded them gravely up to this point, took it for a signal. She screamed, then she roared. Nobody could comfort her or find out who she was. The arrival of another cab distracted their attention. The bell rang loudly. As Carey opened the door, an old woman bounded in.

Harley caught at the arm of the chair on which he sat, and grasped it nervously, while his eyes became fixed intently on the form of the gentleman who now advanced into the room. He rose with an effort. "Mr. Avenel!" he said falteringly. "Did I hear your name aright? Avenel!" "Richard Avenel, at your service, my Lord," answered Dick.

She falteringly named a sum that staggered him, and told him that she had indeed been very extravagant. "I I have always had what I wanted. I have never had to count the cost of anything, for my husband was very generous and indulgent," she apologized, with evident embarrassment, as she met his grave look.

"Such promise," he said, falteringly, "when I knew not the laws of England, nor that a realm could not pass like house and hyde by a man's single testament, might well escape from my thoughts, never too bent upon earthly affairs. But I marvel not that my cousin's mind is more tenacious and mundane.

"And what do you do lollopoping there on them blessed stocks?" "Looking at the landscape; out of my light, man!" This tone instantly inspired Mr. Stirn with misgivings: it was a tone so disrespectful to him that he was seized with involuntary respect; who but a gentleman could speak so to Mr. Stirn? "And may I ask who you be?" said Stirn, falteringly, and half inclined to touch his hat.