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"You are not always happy, too?" he asked. "No, not always, Eric; not very often, I think." "You have a trouble?" "Yes, but I cannot put it into words. Perhaps if I could do that, I could cure it." He clasped his hands together over his heart, as children do when they pray, and said falteringly, "If I own all the world, I give him you."

Irene turned a sympathetic gaze upon her friend and Aunt Hannah came closer to the girl and slipped an arm around her waist, as if to help her to endure this unknown trial. And Mary Louise, feeling she could not bear the suspense, asked falteringly: "Has Gran'pa Jim been " "No," said Mr. Conant. "No, my dear, no." "Then has anything happened to to mother?"

Facing the dread consequences of such a dilemma, Paul went slowly and falteringly forward with the unhappy consciousness of his brother following warily at his heels.

And I think I was right in saying that your party was not then sufficiently consolidated to enable it to maintain its policy in the execution, even had Frémont been elected. As it is now, six years later, the North but falteringly supports the policy of the government, though impelled by the force of events which then you did not dream of. President Lincoln has lived half his troubled reign.

"Yes," she assented. She added, somewhat falteringly: "But it seems dreadfully lonesome sometimes." "Perhaps you're not altogether at home in Eagle Pass: I mean, this isn't really your home?" "No. We came from San Antonio a year ago, my father and I." His glance wandered up the brick walk to the cottage door, but if Sylvia perceived this and knew it for a hint, she did not respond.

Growing up without exercise, except to her poor little fingers, she had never yet acquired the perfect use of her legs. Setting buoyantly forth therefore, as if no rival less swift than Atalanta could compete with her, she ran falteringly, and often tumbled on the grass.

The next instant she turned back to him: he had his gun and was getting his axe. "And, Darby ?" she began falteringly, her heart in her eyes. "Go," said the young soldier, pointing to the door, and she went just as he took up his old rifle and stepped over to where his mother sat white and dumb.

Her childhood had passed in a court, her eye, accustomed to rank, at once perceived the high degree of the speaker. The contrast between this unexpected and delicate gallantry and the condescending tone and abrupt desertion of Marmaduke affected her again to tears. "Ah, worshipful sir!" she said falteringly, "what can reward thee for this unlooked-for goodness?"

'No, nor are you wanted, said Nina haughtily, as she arose; while it was not without some difficulty she withdrew her hand from the sick man's grasp. 'I know, said he falteringly, 'you would not leave me if you had not left hope to keep me company in your absence. Is not that so, Kate? 'Bye-bye, said she softly, and stole away. It was with passionate eagerness Nina set off in search of Kate.

"How?" she asked, falteringly, and with quick change of colour. "By conceding to me the same right your little friend has allowed." And he drew forth the ring. Lily reared her head with a first impulse of haughtiness. But when her eyes met his the head drooped down again, and a slight shiver ran through her frame.