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"Well, you go down sullar an' bring me up a little piece o' pork streak o' fat an' streak o' lean an' I'll fry it. I'll sweep up here a mite while you're gone. Why, I never see such a lookin' kitchen! What's your name?" she called after him, as he set his foot on the Upper stair. He hesitated. "Joe!" he said, falteringly. "All right, then, Joe, you fly round an' git the pork!"

"Hath no danger befallen thee?" asked Edith falteringly, and gazing on his face with wistful, searching eyes. "Danger! none, sweet trembler," answered the Earl, evasively. Edith dropped her eager looks, and clinging to his arm, drew him on silently into the forest land.

Deserted by the barons, and wearing away even my father's long-credulous love; odious! except in luxurious and unwarlike London, to all the commons how reign? What other choice left? none, save Henry of Lancaster or George of York." "Were it so!" said the weak duke; and yet be added falteringly, "believe me, Warwick meditates no such changes in my favour."

It was Ruth who detained him. "Oh, please!" she cried, involuntarily. He turned again. "You wish me to stay?" he asked. "Oh oh, I don't know. She had not finished the sentence; she was falteringly trying to finish it when Mr. Babbitt took the center of the stage.

Her pale, worn face smiled down upon me very tenderly as she kissed her hand to me. I stood, as if spellbound, watching her, and she watching me, until we both laughed, though somewhat falteringly. "How romantic you are, my boy!" she said, in a tremulous voice.

What, Cleonice, what if I could defy the laws of Sparta; what if, instead of that gloomy soil, I could bear thee to lands where heaven and man alike smile benignant on love? Might I not hope then?" "Do nothing to sully your fame." "Is it, then, dear to thee?" "It is a part of thee," said Cleonice falteringly; and as if she had said too much, she covered her face with her hands.

Ocumpaugh; not in the continuous and detailed manner I have here set down, but in disjointed sentences and wild bursts of disordered speech. When it was finished she turned upon me eyes full of haggard inquiry. "Our fate is in your hands," she falteringly declared. "What will you do with it?" It was the hardest question which had ever been put me.

"You did not say you had another voice, the voice of of a devil," Julian said, almost falteringly, for he was still shaken by his distress of the senses, into a mental condition that was almost anger. Dr. Levillier said nothing. More sensitive to musical sounds than Julian, he dared not speak, lest he should say something that might stand like a fixed gulf to eternally separate him from Valentine.

Shall I preach you a sermon?" said he, putting on his short-sighted glasses, and pursing up his lips. "Yes," said Louisa, falteringly. "Let me see, then. Against cakes: how cakes are bad things, especially if they are sweet and have plums in them." Louisa took the affair rather seriously, and got down from the Vicar's knee to go to Fred.

"Ola! viejo!" he repeated, falteringly, swaying where he stood. His hand, extended to steady himself, fell upon the table. Moving a step forward, he shifted it, and felt a box of matches under his fingers. He fancied he had heard a quiet sigh. He listened for a moment, holding his breath; then, with trembling hands, tried to strike a light.