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"Is that so? Had your breakfast?" "Yes," said Hurstwood, lying blandly. "I'm just going for a shave." "Won't you come have a drink?" "Not until afterwards," said the ex-manager. "I'll see you later. Are you stopping here?" "Yes," said Mr. Kenny, and then, turning the word again added: "How are things out in Chicago?" "About the same as usual," said Hurstwood, smiling genially. "Wife with you?"

He has a pretty house now at Sittingbourne, and amuses himself during his leisure hours with amateur horticulture, and I, who alone in London besides the persons directly connected with this mysterious affair, know the true solution of the enigma, often wonder how much of it is known to the ex-manager of the English Provident Bank." The man in the corner had been silent for some time.

Only of Mrs. Crane did he speak with respect; and Jasper then for the first time learned and rather with anger for the interference than gratitude for the generosity that she had repaid the L100, and thereby cancelled Rugge's claim upon the child. The ex-manager then proceeded to the narrative of his subsequent misfortunes all of which he laid to the charge of Waife and the Phenomenon.

In the next few days I'm going to go through this office with a six-shooter and a fine-tooth comb and if I find a single dollar paid out to Ike Bray some ex-manager is liable to get shot. You understand that, now don't you, Mr. Jepson? All right then; we can go ahead.

"Is that so? Had your breakfast?" "Yes," said Hurstwood, lying blandly. "I'm just going for a shave." "Won't you come have a drink?" "Not until afterwards," said the ex-manager. "I'll see you later. Are you stopping here?" "Yes," said Mr. Kenny, and then, turning the word again added: "How are things out in Chicago?" "About the same as usual," said Hurstwood, smiling genially. "Wife with you?"

Loring?" asked M'Tosh, when Loring had shaken hands with them, not as subordinates. "Surely. My time is not very valuable, just at present. Come in, and I'll see if Mr. Kent has left me any cigars." "Humph!" said Durgan, when the ex-manager had gone into Kent's room to rummage for the smoke offering.

There was a crowded attendance of the public in anticipation of the trial of John Maitland, ex-manager of the Market Milcaster Bank, and the reserved portions of the Court were filled with the élite of the town and neighbourhood, including a considerable number of ladies who manifested the greatest interest in the proceedings.

A few mornings after our hearing the history of the ex-manager, he bounced into my room before I was out of bed. "Give me joy! give me joy!" said he, rubbing his hands with the utmost glee, "my great expectations are realized!" I stared at him with a look of wonder and inquiry. "My booby cousin is dead!" cried he, "may he rest in peace!

Later, the ex-manager confessed to a desire for music Penelope's music and the twain went in to the sitting-room and the piano, leaving Elinor and Kent to make the best of each other as the spirit moved them. It was Elinor's chance for free speech with Kent the opportunity she had craved.

The one fault of most men is that they always want to throw her wide open. That's bad. It's dangerous, too. Wears out the motor. You don't want to do that." "I see," said Hurstwood. He waited and waited, while the man talked on. "Now you take it," he said, finally. The ex-manager laid hand to the lever and pushed it gently, as he thought.