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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Guess Bill brought him along fer a witness, an' I reckon he seen all he wanted to. I'll bet his neck's achin' some," added Mr. Larrabee with a laugh. "How's that?" asked David. "Well, he made a move to tackle you as you was escortin' Bill out, an' Mr.

There was a cullud procession before me which was escortin a elderly bald-hedded Afrikin to his home in Bates Alley. This distinguished Afrikin Brother had just returned from Lybery, and in turnin a corner puty suddent I hed stumbled and placed my hed agin his stummick in a rather strengthy manner. "Do you wish to impede the progress of this procession, sah?" "Certainly not, by all means!

You think her purty, and I guess them fellows ez was escortin' and squirin' her round Frisco thought so too, or SHE thought they did to hev allowed it." "You are not very merciful to your townsfolk, Mr. Corwin," said Demorest, with a forced smile; "but what can I do for you?"

"Old Jimmy," their Colonel, had galloped down at them and once along their front; then the command, forming fours from the right front, moved off at a trot through the mud in long procession. "Didn't I know it?" said Kennedy; "it's escortin' the doughboys' prisoners, that's all we're good for this outrageous day. Oh, wirra, wirrasthru! Police duty! and this calls itself a cavalry rigiment.

"I don't accept the company of gentlemen I ain't acquainted with. My aunt never would allow that." "Why," said Cork McManus, pulling his ear, "I'm the latest thing in suitings with side vents and bell skirt when it comes to escortin' a lady. You bet you'll find me all right, Ruby. And I'll give you a tip as to who I am. My governor is one of the hottest cross-buns of the Wall Street push.

"Fwat sinse in the ould man bodderin' us?" grumbled Corporal Kennedy, a tall Fenian dragoon from the British army. "Sure, ain't it as plain as the sun and faith the same's not plain this dirthy mornin' that there's no work for cavalry the day, barrin' it's escortin' the doughboys' prisoners, if they take any? bad 'cess to the job.

"We are escortin' Miss Shy Anna who ain't really very shy to see all her friends of The Blended Rose and of The Burning Mountain, an' as we hate airs an' pride, we demands that each give her a kiss. Just make a way for Miss Meredith to come and give her the chaste salute," he ordered of the throng. "Thou wilt not insist on such a humiliation for my daughter," appealed Mrs. Meredith.

Mounted Police duty, escortin' doughboys' prisoners! Faix, I might as well be wid Her Majesty's dhragoons, thramplin' down the flesh and blood of me in poor ould Oireland. Begor, Harry, me bhy, it's a mane job to be setting you at, and this the first day ye're mounted to save the Union!" "Stop coddin' the boy, Corporal," said Bader, angrily.

"I sha'n't budge until I've found why you're hounding me!" says she, grippin' the chair arms. "So?" says I. "Maybe you didn't notice the size of my assistant, Swifty Joe, as you came in? His specialty is escortin' obstreperous parties downstairs and dumpin' 'em on the curb." "You try any strong-arm stuff on me and I'll scream for help!" says she. "I'll make a charge against you too."

Of course, if Mother insists, I presume I must Bah Jove! Here they are, though!" And out through the door comes J. Bayard and the lawyer, escortin' a stunnin'-built lady with her face half hid by veils. I'd been introduced too, and was just handin' her a chair, when we got a good square look at each other. So it was simultaneous.

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