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Updated: August 12, 2024

That was why one paid thirty thousand a year for one's apartments, and thirty thousand more for a girl's clothes! No wonder it was better to spend Christmas week at the Eldridge Devons than to labour at one's law books! "One more question," Montague went on. "Why are you introducing me to them?" "Well," his brother answered, "it won't hurt you; you'll find it amusing.

Quarter-Master's Sergeant, George Eldridge, was transferred on detached service, as clerk in the Division Quarter-Master's department. The weather, during the time we remained here, was wet and disagreeable. Saturday, November 8th. Broke up camp, and resumed our march towards Nashville. Marched about twenty miles, and camped near the road. During the day we crossed Great Barren river.

"He is evidently a man not only of scientific attainments, but of immense scientific possessions as is evidenced by these phenomenal results he is able to accomplish. But we are not justified in reasoning according to the doctrine of probabilities. Therefore, we shall proceed methodically. I have already made my preparations." Eldridge looked about him with an air of triumph.

He says, of course, that he's Tiny's nephew, an' he may be, fur all I can tell; but what proof have you he ain't somebody else who's come here to steal your ideas an' get money for 'em?" There was a moment of stunned silence, as the barbs from his tongue pierced the stillness. Then Delight stepped in front of the interloper. "How dare you, Janoah Eldridge!" she cried.

"But Eldridge and I had a little agreement, or bet. He bragged he'd get this Monsieur X before I did. I'd like to know how he feels about his end of it. Give it up?" Eldridge looked at him rebukingly. "I have failed," he acknowledged formally, "from lack of time to carry out my investigation."

The Company's Quartermaster & myself were examined, with John Evergin & Samuel Eldridge, the two English prisoners, concerning the prize, and so the court was adjourned till Monday, at 10 of the clock, A.M. Monday, 17th. The court met according to adjournment. Jean Baptiste Domas was examined concerning the freedom of the prisoners, and his deposition taken in writing.

This was exactly the rod I had in pickle for Maroney. I applied it through the following letter: "Nathan Maroney, Eldridge Street Jail, New York: "Ha! ha! ha! Your wife and the fellow with the long mustache and whiskers are having a glorious time, driving around in his buggy. "You have heard of Sanford? He loves you well.

In 1898 George Eldridge and Robert Muldrow, of the United States Geological Survey, traversed the region, and Muldrow estimated the height of the mountain by triangulation at twenty thousand three hundred feet. In 1899 Lieutenant Herron crossed the range from Cook's Inlet and reached the Kuskokwim.

This is to be a component part of the great, humane, Christian republic of the world." "It is hard," said Mr. Eldridge, in a speech against the bill, "sad to stand silently by and see the republic overthrown.

The best-known Panther recruit was Eldridge Cleaver who, like Malcolm X, had educated himself while in prison. Cleaver wrote several articles for Ramparts magazine, and became well known for his book Soul on Ice. His vivid writing helped the Panthers in spreading their ideas widely. Gradually, chapters of the Black Panther party were established in ghettoes all across America.

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