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The apostle evidently means by 'Christ made sin for us, that he was made an offering or sacrifice for our sins. He was made sin who knew no sin. Our sins were laid upon him; he bore them away in his own body on the tree. The clean animals sacrificed by the patriarchs, and under the law, were types of this great sacrifice of Christ. Ed.

An ancient gentleman came slowly and, after him, a young smart one He let them both pass, and asked nothing; I stood observing him half an hour, in which time he had made a dozen turns backwards and forwards, and found that he invariably pursued the same plan. Sentimental Journey, ed. 1775, ii. 105. Very likely Dr. Warton. Ante, ii. 41. I differ from Mr.

But before the swaying figure could answer the call of the cool brain directing it, Howard sprang in upon him and struck with his clubbed revolver. And Monte Devine, his finger crooking to the trigger as the blow fell, went down heavily from the impact of the gun-barrel against his head. Ed True emptied his cylinder and cursed and began filling it again. Howard stood a moment over Monte Devine.

Dave unburdened himself with the utmost freedom regarding his suspicions of Ed Austin. Ellsworth nodded. "Yes, Ed has thrown in with the Rebel junta in San Antone, and Tad Lewis is the man they use to run arms and supplies in this neighborhood. That's why he and Ed are so friendly.

At the time I was President of the West Texas Cattle Growers' Association, organized chiefly to deal with marauding rustlers. "Howd'y, Ed," Jim began, "I've jumped the Mescalero Reservation, headed north. Nothin' doin' down here now.

Dramatist, s. of the preceding, wrote or adapted numerous plays, including The Heir at Law and John Bull. Many of his plays are highly amusing, and keep their place on the stage. His wit made him popular in society, and he was a favourite with George IV. Miscellaneous writer, ed. at Eton and Camb., took orders and held various livings.

'Ow's a honest tradesman to make a living when there's people like that about? "I stood 'im 'arf a pint, and though it hurt 'im awful to drink it, he said 'ed 'ave another just to see if he could bear the pain. Arter he had 'ad three 'e began for to take a more cheerful view o' life, and told me about a chap that spent three weeks in the London 'Orsepittle for calling 'im a liar.

Ed. Mr. Bunyan alludes to the poverty of his education in several of his works. Thus, in his Scriptural poems 'I am no poet, nor a poet's son But a mechanic, guided by no rule But what I gained in a grammar school, In my minority.

"Were you out that terrible night?" he returned. "The lightning was enough to frighten even an older horse than the gypsy's. I wonder how my friend is getting on! He must think me very ungrateful! But I daresay he imagines me lying fathom-deep in the bog. You will do something for him, won't you, Ed?"

Still, some vestiges of knowledge remain some idea of a future state, and of sacrifice for sin. Christian, how blessed art thou! How ought your light to shine among men, to the glory of your heavenly Father! Ed. "The beginning," the foundation; that which is essential to the existence, as, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."