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Updated: August 22, 2024

Ain't much, p'raps, one way, but there's jus' this about it, it's steady. They never lay anybody off here, and there's a lot. You hear these girls 'round here talk about earnin' four, five, six dollars a day. Mebbe they did, but why ain't they gettin' it now? 'Shop closed down, or, 'They laid us off. That's it.

I have seen purty little Roxy grow up from a chile, an' as she begin to round up and git tall, says I: 'Nigger or no nigger, she's angel! The white gals they all throwed off on me, caze I wasn't earnin' nothin', an' I sot my eyes on Roxy Custis an' I says: 'What kin I do fur to make her shine to me? So I kept a-follerin' of her everywhere, an' I see her one day comin' along the road a-pickin' of the wild blossoms an' with her han' full of 'em, an' I says: 'Roxy, what you doin' of with them flowers? 'They're fur my missis, Miss Vesty, says she; 'she lives on wild flowers, an' they're all I has to give her, an' I want her to love me as much as Virgie. You see Levin, the t'other gal, Virgie, waits on Miss Custis, an' Roxy she was a little jealous.

Grace, I ain't goin' to leave Trumet, not for the present, anyhow. I've got a way of earnin' my livin' right here. I'm goin' to keep house for the new minister." The girl turned, her hat in her hand. "Oh!" she cried in utter astonishment. Keziah nodded. "Yes," she affirmed. "That was what Elkanah's proposal amounted to. Ha! ha! Deary me!

"You know all the police," I remarked. "Do you know any turnkeys?" He reflected an instant, and then replied, artlessly "I don't jin many o' them. But I can jist tell you a story. 'I'm glad to see you're earnin' a 'onest livin' for once, says he.

She moved away to the stove, and Margaret resumed her assault upon the stubborn ignorance of the father. "Think, Mr. Getz, what a difference all this would make in Tillie's life," she urged. "And you'd be learnin' her all them years to up and sass her pop when she was growed and earnin' her own livin'!" he objected. "I certainly would not."

Listen to my tail, and be silent that ye may here I've been among the Seseshers, a earnin my daily peck by my legitimit perfeshun, and havn't had no time to weeld my facile quill for "the Grate Komick paper," if you'll allow me to kote from your troothful advertisement. My success was skaly, and I likewise had a narrer scape of my life.

She wuz jest a helper doin' her work and earnin' her wages, that wuz all, but she was good natured and offered to look after Tommy, and we all went to the Viceroy's reception and garden party and had a real good time. The palace of the Viceroy is a beautiful structure. It is only two stories high, but each story full and running over with beauty.

"You read a little less an' take more int'rust in your vittles, and you'll come nearer earnin' your keep, Penn." Harvey, jammed among the fishermen, felt a creepy, crawly, tingling thrill that began in the back of his neck and ended at his boots. He was cold, too, though it was a stifling day. "That the actress from Philadelphia?" said Disko Troop, scowling at the platform.

"I'm not going in to see the show to-night. I want to talk with you if you can get some one to take yore place here." "Say, whatta you think I am one o' these here Fift' Avenoo society dames? I'm earnin' my hot dogs and coffee right at this window. . . . Did you say two, lady?" She shoved two tickets through the window in exchange for dimes. Clay explained that his business was serious.

"Caan't 'e think o' nothin' wiser than to see faither?" she said at last. "Theer ban't nothin' wiser. He knaws we 'm tokened, and it's no manner o' use him gwaine on pretendin' to himself 't isn't so. You 'm wife-old, and you've made choice o' me; and I'm a ripe man, as have thought a lot in my time, and be earnin' gude money and all.

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