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Updated: August 22, 2024

As they walked hand in band, the woman in the middle, the Marshal, who was riding beside them, and who was a merry drolling man, asked her if she was n't ashamed to walk hand in hand between two young men; whereupon, looking upon him solemnly, she said she was not ashamed, for this was to her an hour of great joy, and that no eye could see, no ear hear, no tongue speak, and no heart understand, the sweet incomes and refreshings of the Lord's spirit, which she did then feel.

At this drolling challenge most of the spectators began to laugh, and the laughter ran through the ranks of Cavalcanti's adherents, and even found some echo, albeit soon stifled, among Bardi's men. But Simone saw no laughter in the matter. "You are a fool!" he fumed.

'Never be concerned, child, says she, going on in her drolling way; 'I have no murderers about me; I employ the best and the honestest nurses that can be had, and have as few children miscarry under their hands as there would if they were all nursed by mothers; we want neither care nor skill.

I don't know but I'm a bit disappointed in my choice, darling; but I dare say I shall work out of it. In fact, I don't know but the Colonel is a little too jolly. This drolling everything is rather fatiguing." And having begun, they did not stop till they had taken their friends to pieces.

She looked at the girl searchingly again, as if to determine whether this were a touch of the drolling her son had spoken of. But she only added: "You will enjoy the sunsets on the Back Bay so much." "Well, not unless they're new ones," said Penelope. "I don't believe I could promise to enjoy any sunsets that I was used to, a great deal." Mrs.

I wanted to call you back when you had got half-way to Eastport." "I wouldn't have come. It's bad luck to turn back." She laughed at his drolling. "How funny you are! Now I'm of rather a gloomy temperament. Did, you know it?" "You don't look it." "Oh, but I am. Just now I'm rather excited and happy." "So glad!" "Go on! go on! I like you to make fun of me."

That lean head of his, hollow above the eyes, and with a pendent upper lip, was so ugly as to be almost laughable; and his lazy and luminous eye looked out on the world with a drolling, almost satirical, air, as much as to say: "It's all a great bore, but it might well be worse." "A thundering great hoss," muttered Old Mat. "I don't know as ever I see his equal for power.

Common-sense, and 'drolling Sadduceeism, came to their own, in England, with the king, with Charles II. After May 29, 1660, Webster and Wagstaffe mocked at bogles, if Glanvill and More took them seriously. Before the Restoration it was distinctly dangerous to laugh at witchcraft, ghosts and hauntings.

So took barge at the dock and to Rochester, and there Captain Cocke and I and our two men took coach about 8 at night and to Gravesend, where it was very dark before we got thither to the Swan; and there, meeting with Doncaster, an old waterman of mine above bridge, we eat a short supper, being very merry with the drolling, drunken coachman that brought us, and so took water.

Had count Solmes, Trim, done the same at the battle of Steenkirk, said Yorick, drolling a little upon the corporal, who had been run over by a dragoon in the retreat, he had saved thee; Saved! cried Trim, interrupting Yorick, and finishing the sentence for him after his own fashion, he had saved five battalions, an' please your reverence, every soul of them: there was Cutt's, continued the corporal, clapping the forefinger of his right hand upon the thumb of his left, and counting round his hand, there was Cutt's, Mackay's, Angus's, Graham's, and Leven's, all cut to pieces; and so had the English life-guards too, had it not been for some regiments upon the right, who marched up boldly to their relief, and received the enemy's fire in their faces, before any one of their own platoons discharged a musket, they'll go to heaven for it, added Trim.

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