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And in the corner behind it, thrown like a sack of potatoes, but corded like a railway trunk, lay Mr James Todhunter, with a scarf across his mouth, and six or seven ropes knotted round his elbows and ankles. His brown eyes were alive and shifted alertly. Dr Orion Hood paused for one instant on the doormat and drank in the whole scene of voiceless violence.

For you I am finish!" And he snapped his fingers again. His face was purple with rage. He heard Gilbert murmuring only, "I'm sorry!" "Sorry! Ees all you can say sorry! Ze coward! Ze fool! Ze fish what are poor! Ze damn doormat for everybody to walk from!" His arms were flying in the air. "All day I 'ave try to make ze man from you! It are no use. Ees no man in you.

"Mr Cupples! Laugh at you! I would rather be a doormat to the devil, exclaimed Alec. "Thank you, bantam.

And she says to Oswald: "I'm going to make one little suggestion, because you seem so utterly helpless: You must get a nice doormat to lay directly in front of your trunk, and you must always keep the key under this mat. Lock the trunk and hide the key there. It's what people always do, and it will be quite safe, because no one would ever think of looking under a doormat for a key.

But, though a walking doormat in point of mud, and somewhat flushed and excited by the hustling, climbing, and adoring, it is certain there wasn't a happier spinster in this 'Piljin Projess of a wale, than the one who partook of 'weal pie' in memory of Sam Weller, and drank 'a modest quencher' to the health of Dick Swiveller at the end of that delightful Dickens day.

There were moments when she was honestly bored. Piracy! This was an established fact. Cunningham and his men had stepped outside the pale of law in running off with the Wanderer. But piracy without drunken disorder, piracy that wiped its feet on the doormat and hung its hat on the rack! There was a touch of the true farce in it. Hadn't Cunningham himself confessed that the whole affair was a joke?

Fifteen mats, each as large and as thick as an ordinary doormat, formed the exterior envelope. When unpacked on its arrival at Kew, this monster Cactus was seen as perfect, as green, and as uninjured as if it had been that morning removed from its native rocks, its long, rope-like roots arranged in coils like the cable of a ship.

Yes, I remember thinking at the time that it was almost as if Leonora were saying, through me to Florence: "You may outrage me as you will; you may take all that I personally possess, but do not you care to say one single thing in view of the situation that that will set up against the faith that makes me become the doormat for your feet."

It seemed to beat unmercifully on my sore shoulder, and I held my right wrist with my left hand, to keep the weight off my shoulder all I could. I had not gone far when I began to grow weak and dizzy. The thirst was the worst; my tongue was dry and swollen, and it felt like a cocoa doormat. I could see rings of light wherever I looked, and the ground seemed to come up in waves.

There he had lain, out of the way, except when some dram-drinking driver's heavy cowhide boots had made a doormat of his yielding body not an unusual occurrence, by the way, at the roadside taverns frequented by the lower classes.