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On this account he arrived in England in such great poverty, and that aggravated by sickness, that he was unable to deliver his message until he had recruited his finances by the sale of sea charts of his own construction, by which a long time was lost He then began to make proposals to Henry VII. who then reigned in England, to whom he presented a map of the world, on which the following verses and inscription were written: Terrarum quicunque cupis feliciter oras Noscere, cuncta decens docte pictura docebit, Quando Strabo affirmat, Ptolomaeus, Plinius, atque Isiodorus, non una tamen sententia quisque.

"Parmi les Théologiens de la Confession d'Ausbourg, j'ai toujours mis, au premier rang, M. l'Abbé de Lokkum, comme un homme, dont le sçavoir, la candeur, et la modération le rendolent un des plus capables, que je connusse, pour avancer CE BEAU DESSEIN. Cela est si véritable, que j'ai cru devoir assurer ce docte Abbé, dans la réponse que je luis fis, il y a dej

The following fragments will give some idea of its tone. Of Dido he says: -Blande et docte percontat Aeneas quo pacto Troiam urbem liquerit. Again of Amulius: -Manusque susum ad caelum sustulit suas rex Amulius; gratulatur divis-. Part of a speech where the indirect construction is remarkable: -Sin illos deserant for tissumos virorum Magnum stuprum populo fieri per gentis-.

The following fragments will give some idea of its tone. Of Dido he says: -Blande et docte percontat Aeneas quo pacto Troiam urbem liquerit. Again of Amulius: -Manusque susum ad caelum sustulit suas rex Amulius; gratulatur divis-. Part of a speech where the indirect construction is remarkable: -Sin illos deserant for tissumos virorum Magnum stuprum populo fieri per gentis-.

The enlightenment of the present age surpasses that of antiquity, this is the theme. La docte Antiquite dans toute sa duree A l'egal de nos jours ne fut point eclairee. Perrault adopts a more polite attitude to "la belle antiquite" than Saint Sorlin, but his criticism is more insidious.

Cicero alludes to them twice: and writing to Cornificius from Rome in October 45 he says that at Caesar's ludi he listened to the poems of Publilius and Laberius with a well-pleased mind. "Nihil mihi tamen deesse scito quam quicum haec familiariter docteque rideam"; here the word docte seems to suggest that the performance was at least worthy of the attention of a cultivated man.

Obvius huic venias, hedera iuvenilia cinctus Tempora, cum Calvo, docte Catulle, tuo. We must lament the total loss of a volume of lyrics which competent judges thought worthy to be set beside that of his wonderful friend.

Lord Bolingbroke may have published in French a sketch of his Reflections on Exile: but his reputation now reposes on the address of Voltaire, "Docte sermones utriusque linguae;" and by his English dedication to Queen Caroline, and his Essay on Epic Poetry, it should seem that Voltaire himself wished to deserve a return of the same compliment.

Rabelais and Sterne were not perhaps inferior in genius, and they were read with as much avidity and delight as the Spaniard. "Le docte Rabelais" had the learning which the Englishman wanted; while unhappily Sterne undertook to satirise false erudition, which requires the knowledge of the true.