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DOCT. HUNTER, in his biographical lectures, explodes this idea of Moses' asking to be damned for the salvation of Israel, and shews the absurdity of that construction of the text, but understands him as praying to die himself, before sentence should be executed on his people, if they were not pardoned.

A Mungrel Dancing-Master; therefore, Sir, since all the Injury's mine, I'll pardon him for a Dance, and let the Agility of his Heels save his Bones, with your Permission, Sir. Doct. With all my Heart, and am glad he comes off so comically. Scar. goes and returns. Scar. Sir, Sir, here's the rare Philosopher who was here yesterday. Doct. Give him Entrance, and all depart. Enter Charmante. Char.

Seignior, she's much honour'd in the Overture, and my Abilities shall not be wanting to fix the Concord. But have you been a Traveller, Sir? Scar. Without Circumlocutions, Sir, I have seen all the Regions beneath the Sun and Moon. Doct. Moon, Sir! You never travell'd thither, Sir? Scar.

Oh! yes, Sir, often in Disguise, in several Shapes and Forms, which did of old occasion so many fabulous Tales of all the Shapes of Jupiter but never in their proper Glory, Sir, as Emperors. This is an Honour only design'd to you. Doct. Char.

Char. Your Virtue, Sir, will render you as happy but I must haste this Night prepare your Daughter and your Niece, and let your House be dress'd, perfum'd, and clean. Doct. It shall be all perform'd, Sir. Char. Be modest, Sir, and humble in your Elevation; for nothing shews the Wit so poor, as Wonder, nor Birth so mean, as Pride. Doct.

Mad, stark mad! Why, Sirrah, Rogue Scaramouch How got this Mad-man in? Cin. Oh, thou perfidious Maid! Scar. Why, Sir, he was brought in a Chair for your Advice; but how he rambled from the Parlour to this Chamber, I know not. Cin. Doct. Alas, poor Gentleman, he's past all Cure. But, Sirrah, for the future, take you care that no young mad Patients be brought into my House. Scar.

* Sundulos sou gar eimi, xai ton adelphon sou ton prophaton. Doct. Doddridge in his notes on this passage observes, that it may be rendered I am thy fellow servant and the fellow servant of thy brethren the prophets. But the translation in the Bible is perfectly literal. The sentence is elliptical. The elipsis may as well be filled by tis, as by sundoulos.

And then the third Region, if the Faeces be volatile, the Birth will soon come in Balneo. This I observed also in the Laboratory of that ingenious Chymist Lysidono, and with much Pleasure animadverted that Mineral of the same Zenith and Nadir, of that now so famous Water in England, near that famous Metropolis, call'd Islington. Doct. Seignior Scar.

Doct. Most excellent! Char. The Nymph Egeria, inamour'd on Numa Pompilius, came to him invisible to all Eyes else, and gave him all his Wisdom and Philosophy. Zoroaster, Trismegistus, Apuleius, Aquinius, Albertus Magnus, Socrates and Virgil had their Zilphid, which the Foolish call'd their Daemon or Devil. But you are wise, Sir. Doct.

One that wou'd be cuckolded by every feather'd Fool; that you'd call a Beau un Gallant Homme. 'Sdeath! Enter Scaramouch running. Sea. Oh Madam! hide your Lover, or we are all undone. Char. Doct. Bellemante, Niece, Bellemante. Scar. She's coming, Sir. Where, where shall I hide him? Enter Doctor. Doct. Oh Niece!