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Updated: August 10, 2024

A meeting of the session was forthwith held; for here was Thomas Wilson's wife and all his weans, an awful cess, thrown upon the parish; and it was settled outright among us, that Mr Docken, who was then an elder, but is since dead, a worthy man, with a soft tongue and a pleasing manner, should go to Irville, and get Thomas, if possible, released from the recruiters.

At length, in a moment of great irritation, excited on the one hand by his intense interest in the poor suffering girl, and anger at the peevish, helpless Don Picador, Don Ricardo, to our unutterable surprise, rapped out, in gude broad Scotch, as he brushed away Senor Cangrejo from the bedside with a violence that spun him out of the door "God the auld doited deevil is as fusionless as a docken."

"Now do pray, Mr Bang," said I, when Don Ricardo broke in "Why, Mr Bang, I am, as you now know, a Scotchman." "How do I know any such thing that is, for a certainty while you keep cruising amongst so many lingoes, as Tom there says?" "The docken, man," said I. Don Ricardo smiled.

"Do you realize that you're levying a private war and breaking every law of the land?" "Hoots!" said Dickson. "I don't care a docken about the law. I'm for seeing this job through. What force can you produce?" "Only cripples, I'm afraid. There's Sime, my butler. He was a Fusilier Jock and, as you saw, has lost an arm.

Pacific? What do ye ken about Pacifics? Are ye a Cockney or a Cannibal Islander? Dinna stand there, ye gowk, as fusionless as a docken, but tell me that! Whaur do ye live?" "What do you mean, Mr. Mackaye?" asked I, with a doleful and disappointed visage.

Perhaps he looked rather older than he was, for he was stiff built and strong, with an ample crop of whiskers extending from his great red docken ears round his harvest moon of a face. He was lumpy, and clumsy, and heavy all over. Having now got inducted, he began to stare round the party, and first addressed our worthy friend Mr. Spraggon. 'Well, Sprag, how are you? asked he.

The deference conciliated Dougal. "There's just the one plan that's worth a docken. There's five o' us here, and there's plenty weapons. Besides there's five Die-Hards somewhere about, and though they've never tried it afore they can be trusted to loose off a gun.

I shall never hear that sound without thinking of that lonesome misty field. I stopped and looked round me anxiously, but not a living thing besides had been disturbed, and presently I was stowing the parachute away in a bed of high rank grass and docken just under the wall. Then I stood still and listened again.

"But the docken, man," said I "fusionless as a docken how classic! what an exclamation to proceed from the mouth of a solemn Don!" "No gibes regarding the docken," promptly chimed in Bang; "it is a highly respectable vegetable, let me tell you, and useful on occasion, which is more." The noise in the room ceased, and presently Campana joined us.

And then as I was walking back thinking these none too cheery thoughts, something put the parachute into my head. I had not thought of it before since the first night when I hid it. It took me a little time to get my bearings, but I found my way to the clover field at last and then made for the low wall with the bed of rank grass and docken leaves beneath it.

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