United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Anna Dickinson, Olive Logan, Kate Field, later, Mrs. Livermore and Mrs. Howe, Alcott, Phillips, Douglass, Tilton, Curtis, Beecher, and, several years later, General Kilpatrick, with Henry Vincent, Bradlaugh, and Matthew Arnold from England; these and many others were stars of the lecture platform.

My next example of the American in literature is, I think, to the full as national a type as Mr. Howells, though her Americanism is shown rather in subjective character than in objective theme. Miss Emily Dickinson is still a name so unfamiliar to English readers that I may be pardoned a few lines of biographical explanation.

She turned to Leonard Dickinson, who sat on her other side.... When we got home I tried to conceal my anxiety as to Maude's impressions of the evening. I lit a cigarette, and remarked that the dinner had been a success. "Do you know what I've been wondering all evening?" Maude asked. "Why you didn't marry Nancy instead of me." "Well," I replied, "it just didn't come off.

This latter feat was undertaken by Mr. John Dickinson of Pennsylvania, anonymously, under the guise of a simple but intelligent and virtuous farmer whose arcadian existence had confirmed in him an instinctive love of liberty and had supplied him with the leisure to meditate at large upon human welfare and the excellent British Constitution. Mr.

"Why, it's simple as ABC!" Dickinson smiled. He was tremendously relieved, and showed it. "That's true about all great ideas, Tallant," he said. "They're simple, only it takes a clever man to think of them." "And Jason agrees?" Tallant demanded. I nodded again. "We'll have to outbid the Automatic people. I haven't seen Bitter yet about the about the fee."

And the coming struggle will make it greater still. The town hath done a daring thing to-day. Will the great and wise men sign the document?" "I think all but a few. They are not certain of Mr. Dickinson, although he hath been writing so boldly. But Mr. Richard Penn advises that they all hang together, lest they may have to hang separately!" and she smiled. Andrew Henry drew a long breath.

Being without rime or meter, the lines oppose almost as many difficulties to a musician as the works of Walt Whitman; and yet, as Alfred Bruneau has set Zola's prose to music, so some brave American composer will find inspiration abundant in the works of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson. There was, before me, Mile upon mile of snow, ice, burning sand.

To Anna E. Dickinson, far away lecturing, Susan confided, "Oh, Anna, I am so glad of it all because it will teach the young girls that to be true to principle to live an idea, though an unpopular one that to live single without any man's name may be honorable."

General Lee had made dispositions for executing orders given the preceding evening, and repeated in the morning, and soon after the British rear had moved from its ground prepared to attack it. General Dickinson had been directed to detach some of his best troops, to take such a position as to cooperate with him, and Morgan, with his riflemen, was ordered to act on the right flank.

She stopped in Chicago to visit her uncle Albert Dickinson, was detained a week by heavy storms, and reached Leavenworth the last day of the month. Of her journey she wrote home: I paid a dollar for a ride across the Mississippi on the ice. When we reached Missouri all was devastation. I asked the conductor if there were not a sleeper and he replied, "Our sleeping cars are in the ditch."