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Ob coorse me stop to look arter de boat; you knows it would be very bad to go an' leave de boat all by its lone, so w'en deys gone into de woods, me take the mate's gun and poodair an' shot an' ebbery ting could carry off all de grub, too, but der worn't too moche of dat and walk away in anoder d'rection.

"Well, dis yer hoss trader sta'ted out wid Becky, en bimeby, atter dey 'd gone down de Lumbe'ton Road fer a few miles er so, dis man tu'nt roun' in a diffe'nt d'rection, en kep' goin' dat erway, 'tel bimeby Sis' Becky up 'n ax' 'im ef he wuz gwine' ter Robeson County by a noo road. "'No, nigger, sezee, 'I ain' gwine ter Robeson County at all.

"Of course," repeated the boy, "but what have you been thinking about him anything new?" "Not zackly noo," returned the negro, with a very earnest look, "but ole t'oughts turned in a noo d'rection. Sit down, Tomeo, an' I will tell you an' try to forgit yous hat if poss'ble.

Ef ye want to find yerself, ye'd better start on down t' the south eend o' the Basin, 'n' negotiate around to leeward o' Leezur's bresh-heap; that's the d'rection yer ball was a-startin' for, las' time I seen 'er!" "Poo! poo!" said Captain Pharo, drawing a Sunday "parlor" match explosively along his boot-leg; "jest hold on thar, Shamgar. Jest hold on till I git my old chimley here a-goin' ag'in "

"Lancey," I gasped, "it is u-useless to let ourselves be swe swept about at the will of chance currents. The river is very wi-wide. Let us place ourselves side by side and strike out in the same d'rection. Uniformity of action necessary in desp'r't situations!" Lancey at once acted on my suggestion, gasping that, "Haction of of hany kind would tend to to k-p limbs warm."

"It it was took!" sputtered his brother between chattering teeth. Another moment of scared silence. Then the driver rallied his awed faculties. Stepping on the self-starter, he brought the runabout into motion, and headed down the road. "Where are you goin'?" queried the other. "No use a-keepin' on, this d'rection. It " "If it was took," answered the driver, truculently, "'twasn't took by no car.

Me is used to de woods, you sees, so kep' clear o' de stoopid seamans, who soon tires der legses, as me knows bery well; den come round in dis d'rection; find you tracks; foller im up; shoots tree birds; sees a tiger; puts a ball in him skin, an' sends him to bed wid a sore head too dark for kill him arter which me find you out, an' here me is. Dere. Dat's all about it."

"Das true, massa. Eben the stoopidist black man am equal to dat. But what if you's mistook de d'rection, an' we's ridin' west instead ob east?" "Why then, Quashy, we'd discover our mistake sooner or later by arriving at the Andes," returned Lawrence, with a bland smile. "Hi!

I stole down de starway an' look outen a winder in de d'rection whar Cap'n Lane was, an' I see dat de Linkum men had let all dere fires go out. It was bery dark. Den I hear Missy Roberta open her doah, an' I whip back ter my lof. She come soon an' had a mighty hard time wakin' me up. an' den she say: 'Zeb, dere's sumpen goin' on 'mong de Yankee sogers.

Guess I'll just walk over in that d'rection and see if she ain't under the trees yet. It's been two days since I've seen a glimpse of her. Hicks says she's been dreadful bad again. P'raps I better take her some flowers this time and there is that little strawberry pie Elspeth made for my very own. I might take her some sandwiches, too, yes, I'll do it!"