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Colonel Cuningham and Major Stubbs were killed while endeavouring to recover the ground which had been lost. Hovel and Bartholomew continued to encourage their men, and the British fire became so deadly that that of the Boers was dominated.

The speaker had turned red. Naturally no one asked any further questions. Cuningham noticed that the face was certainly from the same original as the face in the sketch-book, but he kept his observation to himself.

As he stood at the further end of the little terrace ruminating, Cuningham touched him on the shoulder. 'I say, have you got anything to show upstairs? Fenwick turned to see in the sparkling eyes and confident bearing of the Scotchman, success writ large, expressing itself in an impulse of generosity. 'Yes I've got a picture nearly finished. 'Come and be introduced to Findon.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Cuningham, neat, amiable, and self-possessed, sitting in a corner by Lady Findon, who smiled and chatted incessantly. And it was clear to him that Welby was the spoilt child of the room. Wherever he went men and women grouped themselves about him; there was a constant eagerness to capture him, an equal reluctance to let him go.

'I believe Providence ordained the British Philistine for our good drat him! It does no one any harm to have to hook the public. All the great men have done it. You're too squeamish, Master Dick! Watson went on painting in silence, his lips working. Presently Cuningham caught half lost in the beard 'There's a public of to-day, though and a public of to-morrow! 'Oh, all right, said Philip.

Cuningham, startled by the ignorance of his protégé, drew out as quickly as he could la carte du pays.

There was nothing to pay him with nothing to send Phoebe, in spite of a constant labour at paying jobs in black-and-white that often kept him up till three or four in the morning. He wondered whether Watson would help him with a loan. According to Cuningham, the queer fellow had private means. The fact was he was overstrained he knew it.

Cuningham stood beside him, embarrassed. 'It's full of fine things, he said, after a moment. 'But 'You wish I wouldn't paint such damned depressing subjects? 'I wish you'd sometimes condescend to think of the public, old fellow! 'That never! said the other, under his breath. 'Starve and please yourself! But I shan't starve you forget that. 'Worse luck! laughed Cuningham.

'Does he ever sell? said Lord Findon, in Cuningham's ear, nodding towards the broad shoulders and black head of Watson just in front. 'Not often, said Cuningham, after a pause. 'How, then, does he afford himself? said the other, smiling. 'Oh! he has means just enough to keep him from starving. He's a dear old fellow! He has too many ideas for this wicked world.

When at last he descended the stairs, he felt as though he were just escaped from a wrestling-match. He followed Cuningham into the omnibus with nerves all on edge. He hated the notion, too, of taking an omnibus to go and dine in St. James's Square. But Cuningham's Scotch thriftiness scouted the proposal of a hansom. On the way Fenwick suddenly asked his companion whether there was a Lady Findon.