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Fenwick's country clothes were clumsy and unbecoming; and his manner seemed to fit him as awkwardly as his coat. The sympathy of both the older artists did but go out to him the more readily. Cuningham continued the conversation, while Watson, still painting, occasionally intervened.

When Eugénie was in the house the second Lady Findon never seemed to him well dressed. When Fenwick and Cuningham had departed Fenwick in a glow of grateful good-humour, expressing himself effusively to his host Madame de Pastourelles approached her father, smiling. 'That youth has asked me to sit to him. 'The audacious rascal! cried Lord Findon, fuming.

Has Hogg visited London yet? When he does tell me, and I'll see if I don't muster up every atom of my strength to have a sight of him. Having left your address at Helpston, I am obliged to trust this letter and my friend to Providence to find you, which I trust he will readily. Your J. C. Allan Cuningham, Esq. London. Favoured by my friend, Mr. Nell.

The funeral was managed by Cuningham; so were the obituary notices; and Fenwick attended the funeral and read the notices, with that curious mixture of sore grief and jealous irritation into which our human nature is so often betrayed at similar moments.

'Hallo, Fenwick! just the man I wanted to see! Fenwick, whose eyes often very troublesome of late were smarting with the fog, peered at the speaker, and recognised Philip Cuningham. His face darkened a little as they shook hands. 'What did you want me for? 'Did you know that poor old Watson had come back to town ill? 'No! cried Fenwick, arrested. 'I thought he was in Algiers.

His gay, half-fatherly ways with these rising talents were well known. They made part of his fame with his contemporaries; a picturesque element in his dinner-parties which the world appreciated. Fenwick found his way rather sulkily to the dining-room. It annoyed him that Cuningham had a lady and he had none.

But the man from the Orient contributed no more to the talk. It had come by special delivery, an ill-written little note scrawled on cheap ruled paper torn from a tablet. If you want to know who killed Cuningham i can tell you. Meet me at the Denmark Bilding, room 419, at eleven tonight. Come alone. One who knows. Kirby studied the invitation carefully. Was it genuine? Or was it a plant?

Cuningham spoke with a pleasant loyalty. Lord Findon shrugged his shoulders. 'The ideas are too lugubrious! And this young fellow this Fenwick where did you pick him up? Cuningham explained. 'A character! perhaps a genius? said Findon. 'He has a clever, quarrelsome eye. Unmarried? Good Lord, I hope so, after the way I've been going on. Cuningham laughed. 'We've seen no sign of a wife.

Cuningham was talking as though the old relation between him and Richard Watson were still intact; while Fenwick knew well how thin and superficial the bond had grown. 'I shall go to-day, he said, rather shortly. 'I have two or three things to do this morning, but there'll be time before my rehearsal this afternoon. 'Your rehearsal? Cuningham looked amiably curious.

Our preparations for this expedition were made under quite different and much happier circumstances from those which attended our last journey from Aden to the interior of Arabia, i.e. the Hadhramout. We received every help that could be given us by General Cuningham, Colonel Hayes-Sadler, Captain Wadeson, and, indeed, everyone from whom we asked assistance was most kind.