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Updated: August 23, 2024

"My, but this beats anything that I ever saw before!" cried Sam, as the wind began to rush by them with ever-increasing velocity. "Him blow big by-me-by," said Cujo with a sober face. "Him big storm, dis." "The air was full of a moanin' sound," to use Aleck's way of expressing it. It came from a great distance and caused the monkeys and birds to set up more of a noise than ever.

And off he crawled through the wet grass, taking a circuitous route which brought him up on the sentinel's left. Presently the sentinel started to rise. As he did so Cujo leaped from the grass and threw him to the earth. Then a long knife flashed in the air. "No speak, or um diet" came softly; but, the Frenchman realized that the African meant what he said.

The Patagonians who border upon Cujo towards the south, and of whose gigantic stature so much has been said, do not differ materially in this respect from other men. The Pojas, one of their tribes, are governed by several petty independent princes. A singular species of polygamy prevails among this people, as the women are permitted to have several husbands.

The meal was enjoyed by all, even Tom eating his full share in spite of his swollen ankle, which was now gradually resuming its normal condition. Cujo had found the trail at a distance of an eighth of a mile above the wayside hostelry. "Him don't lead to de ribber dare," he said. "But I dun think somet'ing of him." "And what do you think?" asked Tom, from his seat on Aleck's back.

"It is a very useful wood, used extensively in ship building." "After all, I think a boat on the Congo would have been better to use than shoe leather," said Sam, who was beginning to grow tired. "No use a boat when come to falls," grinned Cujo. "Soon come to dem, too." Aleck had been dragging behind, carrying a heavy load, to which he was unaccustomed.

His father owns a big cattle ranch there, and Sanders learned to shoot while rounding up cattle. He's a tip-top fellow." They had passed over a small plain and were now working along a series of rough rocks overgrown with scrub brush and creeping vines full of thorns. The thorns stuck everybody but Cujo, who knew exactly how to avoid them.

The brawny African began at once to examine the footprints along the lake shore. "Him been here," he said. "Him came up dis way. But him no walk away." "Didn't walk away!" ejaculated Tom. "No. Udder footprints walk away, but not um Massah Dick." "I don't understand, Cujo. Do you think he fell into the lake?" "Perhaps, Massah Tom or maybe he get into boat." Tom shook his head.

As soon as the sun was up Aleck announced that he was going back to the hostelry to see how the land lay. "But don't expose yourself," said Tom. "I am certain now that is a regular robbers' resort, or worse." Aleck was gone the best part of three hours. When he returned he was accompanied by Cujo. The latter announced that all of the other natives had fled for parts unknown.

"I reckon that ghost story, was started, by somebody who wanted, to keep the wealth of che mountain to himself," observed Tom. "I don't believe in ghosts, do you, Cujo?" The tall African shrugged his ebony shoulders, "Maybe no ghost but if dare is, no want to see 'um," he said laconically. Nevertheless he did not object to leading them in the direction of the supposedly haunted mountain.

The bishopric of St Jago extends from the confines of Peru to the river Maule, and includes the province of Cujo on the east side of the Andes. The bishopric of Conception comprises all the rest of Chili and the islands; but the greater part of this extent is inhabited by pagans, being the confederacy of Araucania and its auxiliaries.

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